Saturday, October 31, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Texas Invasion

The Texans are in town!
Dana and Chris flew into Knoxville this weekend. It is always fun when they visit!
Here are some more shots from the trip:

daily life,
Friday, October 23, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Cold, Blustery Days
This weekend we had a cold snap come through. Normal for this time of year is highs in the mid 70s. This weekend our highs were in the mid 40s, low 50s. The weekend was pretty low key. It feels great to have a change of seasons. We pulled out the fall/winter clothes and enjoyed some fresh air, hot cider and smores on the patio.

Trent is really growing. He cut his third tooth this weekend and has a fourth on the way. He also constantly wants to stand. We took a family walk down to Jesse's grandmother's house this weekend and Trent was constantly pulling himself up on her coffee table. (Our coffee table has really sharp edges and is made of slate so we haven't even shown him that one!) At our house, we've noticed it in his room. He likes to stand while holding onto his crib or while holding onto you. It reminds me of that trust game you used to play in grade school. He stands up with complete faith that we will catch him. It is so fun watching him learn, figure things out, and become brave enough to attempt to see and touch things on his own.

Bundled up and looking like a Norsk
Trent is really growing. He cut his third tooth this weekend and has a fourth on the way. He also constantly wants to stand. We took a family walk down to Jesse's grandmother's house this weekend and Trent was constantly pulling himself up on her coffee table. (Our coffee table has really sharp edges and is made of slate so we haven't even shown him that one!) At our house, we've noticed it in his room. He likes to stand while holding onto his crib or while holding onto you. It reminds me of that trust game you used to play in grade school. He stands up with complete faith that we will catch him. It is so fun watching him learn, figure things out, and become brave enough to attempt to see and touch things on his own.

Hey Ma, Look what I'm doing!
I think parenting must be easier for people with pets. It is instant entertainment for the baby. It is such a welcome break to watch him interact with them when I've heard the ABCs, 123s, and all the other silly songs that every baby toy seems to play over and over again. (Though teaching the dogs not to bark when baby is sleeping is a whole different story!)
daily life,
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Pumpkin Patch

For the last three years, we have made it a tradition to go to the pumpkin patch in October. One of the local farms sets up a corn maze for all ages, a hay maze for the kids, a petting zoo, and you get to pick your own pumpkin. We've had rain for what seems like forever so it was so nice that today was rain free! We knew the fields would be really muddy, so we donned our hiking boots and opted for the baby carrier instead of the stroller. We went with friends of ours and had a great time. The corn maze is a lot bigger than you would expect it to be so it takes us a bit to get through it. Trent looked a little confused as to why everything around him looked the same. The line to the hayride was really long (EVERYONE was out since it was the first day of good weather in a while) so we opted to walk to the pumpkin fields. TJ was a trooper during our little hike and picked out a little white pumpkin.

daily life,
Saturday Happenings
Saturday was a busy day. It continued to be a typical Saturday weather wise where it rained on and off all day. However, the guys still managed to make some progress! We have pavers down!!! It looks so much better than our framed mud pit. :) There's still some cleanup, finishing touches, and landscaping to do, but it's moving along.

Porch Progress
Saturday was also another first for Trent. He used (and was able to hold) his own sippy cup! Once he realized there was drink inside, he was all about it!

Trent with his Sippy Cup

Trent with his Sippy Cup
And lastly, Auburn was dealt their first loss of the season this weekend to the University of Arkansas. They seem to have our number every year and this year they really outplayed us. We listened to it on the radio (while the porch was being worked on) and it was not a pretty game. Auburn had penalties, turnovers, and gave up a few big plays. Final Score: Arkansas 44 Auburn 23. Next week is Kentucky at home. So come on AU, stand up, wipe off your jersey and get ready for next week!

What? We Lost? I'm wearing my game day shirt!
daily life,
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Forward Progress
Trent is getting pretty mobile, but he has not gotten the whole crawling thing down. He rolls, scoots, slithers, and other impressive breakdancing manuevers to his desired location. He can spin on his belly like a pro! But he wants to crawl so badly. He is so motivated, rocking back and forth, flailing his extremities with all his might and he gets so upset that he's not moving forward. It's like the "lead a horse to water, but can't make him drink" thing. For his sake, I hope he figures it out soon because I hate to see him get frustrated. But I know it's a whole new ballgame when he really gets the hang of it!

Deciding it's time to move

Assume the position

One hand in front of the other

Take time to visit with Duke

Taking a Break
Getting frustrated
daily life,
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
So big!
Trent had his six month checkup today. He is doing really well. His doctor is super nice and was impressed with Trent's development. He continues to be a big boy! He is 28.5 inches long and 20.4 lbs. At this rate, he may end up playing football for Auburn!

daily life
Boating on Tellico Lake
This past weekend we went up to to Tennessee to visit my folks and see their new boat. It is such a nice ride. Aside from exploring the lake, we rode the boat to a waterfront restaurant for lunch and pulled right up! TJ did well on the boat. He's still by no means a fan of his life jacket, but usually ends up falling asleep thanks to the sound of the motor.

Chillin' in the middle of the lake

Enjoying some Fall sunshine

Could be a boat catalog!

Pulling it out of the water after a day of fun
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