A full head of dark hair!
Such a cutie
First pic as a family of four
"Bay-bee" was TJ's word of the night when he met his brother
Grandma R detoured her route home to meet her second grandson
This has been a busy week so he timed his arrival perfectly. My parents were in Florida for Thanksgiving, visiting my grandparents. We had a bunch of Jesse's family in town for Thanksgiving. Then on Friday, we watched an incredible Iron Bowl. It was a game for the record books - Auburn had an awesome comeback for the win.
On Saturday, my parents were driving home from Florida, all the extended family had left, and everything was starting to get back to normal (or so we thought). But by breakfast on Saturday, my contractions were consistently three minutes apart. We dropped TJ off at Grandma and Grandpa K's and headed to the hospital. The labor progressed really quickly. We checked into the hospital at 8:30am and 4.5 hours later, the baby was in my arms! Everything went really smoothly. The baby is doing great and I am feeling well. We're thrilled about our newest addition!