Thursday, December 30, 2010
Cuddle Phase
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Two in Cloth Diapers
You may remember this post, when I wrote about how we purchased a bunch of BumGenius One Size Diapers before we had Trent. After replacing the velcro with snaps, they held up great. When we found out we were pregnant with another baby, we had to figure out what to do with the diaper situation again. We initially purchased enough diapers for one baby, but not enough for two. The BumGenius diapers are expensive so I opted to make the diapers this time around. I found an easy pattern and got busy sewing. I made Trent large size pocket diapers. He has been in the same size diaper for a while and I don't see him growing out of it very soon. On the other hand, Sean will be growing rapidly for a while so he's better off in the adjustable diapers. So now we have two stacks. Trent's (on the left) are the homemade diapers and Sean's (on the right) are the BumGenius diapers. Aside from changing more diapers (which I'd be doing regardless of whether Sean wears disposables or cloth), it really hasn't been a big adjustment. I still like using cloth diapers on my kiddos. :)
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
A Cozy White Christmas
First, we opened presents. I love Christmas so much more now that I have kids. Watching children experience Christmas is one of my very favorite things about the season. This year was no different. Trent got so excited over each and every present. He would open each gift all the way up (even if assembly was required) and play with it for at least 20 minutes before opening the next gift.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Zombie Zone

We're in full fledged zombie mode at our house (as my husband lovingly calls it). Sean is cuddly and sweet and precious. He's growing fast and already gives out plenty of smiles. He turns 1 month old today. He struggles in the sleep department. No real sign of improvement or a developing pattern. He either plans his nap perfectly so he wakes up when Trent goes down for his nap or he'll take 5-10 minute cat naps after each nursing session. Sean eats. and eats. and eats some more. He averages about every hour and a half around the clock, which can be pretty exhausting. This morning all I could think about until I got my first cup of coffee was my longing for a little sleep. I turn the big 3-0 in 11 days. I'm hoping Sean will lovingly give me a 4 hour block of sleep. Here's to hoping he gives me my birthday wish! :)
Monday, December 20, 2010
The Daredevil

He rides his horse like a jockey, he rides his ride toys like a snowboarder or skateboarder. He only runs at full speed. He's all boy and fearless. He's tall for his age and really strong. He stands on anything he can find to reach whatever it is he's interested in. He's interested in everything. He'll physically pick items up and carry them over to use them as makeshift step stools. He loves to jump. He is a bundle of joy and a bundle of energy! Chasing after him definitely keeps us busy.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Mama Said There'd Be Days Like This...
Friday, December 10, 2010
Two Kids Sleeping at the Same Time...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
New Normals
Tomorrow starts the beginning of our "new normal." Jesse heads back to work, so it'll be my first full day alone with the boys. I'm a little nervous and a little excited to try and start settling into a routine again. Trent has been adjusting well to having a new family member. He's constantly yelling, "baby!" I am trying not to be too overprotective because I want Trent to feel comfortable around Sean. At the same time, I don't want Sean to accidentally get hurt because of Trent's rambunctiousness, so it's a bit of a balancing act. It's an entertaining, interesting combination to pair together a high energy toddler and a newborn that sleeps, eats, and poops all day.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
First Impressions of Life with Two Under Two
1. I really cherish a hot shower and a cup of coffee in the morning. They are like little gifts from heaven.
2. God has given us an amazing ability to love others. I fell in love with Sean instantly, but I adore Trent just as much. My cup overflows for both of them.
3. Multitasking takes on a whole new level. Nursing a baby while putting on someone else's shoes or reading a book is the new normal.
4. I have much more patience with sleepless nights and breastfeeding the second time around.
5. Diapers, Diapers, Diapers - I am thankful that newborn diapers are nowhere near the mess of the 20 month diapers.
6. I am blessed that my Mom is willing to stay with us for a week. Her help with Trent, cooking and cleaning is a godsend.
7. Jesse is an incredible dad. I'm impressed daily at how natural he has become with bonding with the boys, swaddling, changing diapers, etc.
8. My boys LOVE to eat. They are born average sized and then the race is on to get to the 90th percentile.
9. Personalities show up instantly. Trent was an easy, laid back baby. He might grumble if he was hungry or tired, but he usually didn't ramp up to screaming very quickly. Sean is feisty. He is either totally content or screaming his head off. He can go from calm to full out, high pitched scream in about 2 seconds flat. But, as soon as he's fed or his diaper is changed, he's completely content again.
10. Sibling Rivalry starts immediately. If I'm feeding Sean, Trent needs to be thisclose to my lap and having a book read to him. If I'm about to give Trent my full attention, there's a good chance that Sean will pick that as the opportune time to start yelling.
I wouldn't change a thing. I am loving life and feel so privileged to be mom to two handsome little boys. Blessed, blessed, blessed!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Two New Baby Essentials
1. The Moby Wrap:
My first born was not into swaddling or being wrapped up in any fashion. Anytime you put him in any form of constraint (carrier, carseat, swaddle sleep sacks, etc.), he would pitch a fit. He would instantly try his hardest to get out of whatever contraption he was in or scream until you took him out. (This made for some very long car rides when he refused to sleep.)
But, a friend of mine swore by this wrap. When I found out I was pregnant with my second, I saw it on clearance and decided to pick it up. My second son is the opposite of the first. He sleeps better wrapped up like a burrito. He loves being cuddled and held. As long as he's not hungry or in need of a diaper change, he's perfectly content to hang out in the moby. With a lot of the carriers, the baby really needs to have neck control before you can use it regularly. The moby is a great newborn baby carrier.
2. Total Baby Iphone App
One of the hardest things for me when the baby is tiny is keeping track of all the wet/dirty diapers and remembering when the baby nursed. This app keeps track of all that for you. It's really easy to use! It also tracks a bunch of other things (baths, medications, events, heights, weights, etc.) For now, my main use is the feeding portion of it. It's making life so much easier!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Great News for Auburn
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Introducing Sean Noah!!
This has been a busy week so he timed his arrival perfectly. My parents were in Florida for Thanksgiving, visiting my grandparents. We had a bunch of Jesse's family in town for Thanksgiving. Then on Friday, we watched an incredible Iron Bowl. It was a game for the record books - Auburn had an awesome comeback for the win.
On Saturday, my parents were driving home from Florida, all the extended family had left, and everything was starting to get back to normal (or so we thought). But by breakfast on Saturday, my contractions were consistently three minutes apart. We dropped TJ off at Grandma and Grandpa K's and headed to the hospital. The labor progressed really quickly. We checked into the hospital at 8:30am and 4.5 hours later, the baby was in my arms! Everything went really smoothly. The baby is doing great and I am feeling well. We're thrilled about our newest addition!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
My Generation and the Culture Wars
"I think these younger Christians are the vanguard of some major new religious, social and political arrangements that could make the older form of culture wars obsolete. After they wrestle with doubts and objections to Christianity many come out on the other side with an orthodox faith that doesn't fit the current categories of liberal democrat or conservative Republican. Many see both sides in the "culture war" making individual freedom and personal happiness the ultimate value rather than God and the common good. Liberals' individualism comes out in their views of abortion, sex and marriage. Conservatives' individualism comes out in their deep distrust of the public sector and in the understanding of poverty as simply a failure of personal responsibility. The new, fast-spreading multiethnic orthodox Christianity in the cities is much more concerned about the poor and social justice than Republicans have been, and at the same time much more concerned about upholding classic Christian moral and sexual ethics than the Democrats have been."
Friday, November 19, 2010
Good Friends
but only a true friend will be sitting next to you saying... "Man, that was fun!"
TJ was put in time out at nursery during my ladies bible study. The nursery worker said that it was the first time she had seen him exert his will. A little girl was playing with a toy that he wanted so he went and took it from her. The little girl shoved him in return. As a result, both of them were placed in time out. Trent's little buddy, Jonathan (who had done nothing wrong), went over and sat with TJ during his entire time out session.
Everyone needs friends like that!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Midweek Menu
Meal time with TJ has become more of a challenge. He just does not want to stop to eat. He is obsessed with balls and cars and would rather play. His snacks tend to be sliced tomato, whole wheat graham crackers, roasted winter veggies, etc. If he's going to be finicky about eating, then when he does eat, it's going to be healthy!
I am now at 37 weeks. My contractions have been ramping up. My doctor asked that I go easy this week as far as exercising in hopes that we can keep the baby in one more week (better chance of lung development). So that's the plan - hopefully baby agrees! Not feeling 100% and keeping busy with friends has made it much easier to keep my mind off exercising.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Blog Organization
Homemaking - Recipes, Cooking, Gardening, Sewing, etc.
Daily Life - Home Improvements, Family Milestones, Cute Kiddo Stories, etc.
Health - Organic, Natural or Healthy Living
Items of Interest (Miscellaneous) - Books, Current Events, Auburn Football
Mama Musings
Hobbies - Crafts, Running, Biking, The Great Outdoors, Travels, etc.
Baby's Favorite Song?
Saturday, November 13, 2010
SEC West Champs and Cam Controversy
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
November - A Month of Thanksgiving
So... today I'm thankful for my husband. He has been great about doing a lot of the housework so I can get off my feet. He's so good about playing with Trent and doing bathtime and bedtime. He's such an awesome dad. I normally rest during Trent's naptime, but being idle is hard for me. I see things that I want to get done and just do them. Unfortunately, my very pregnant body doesn't always agree with me being on the move all the time. I'm ready for this baby to come out, but I still have a few weeks left. I'm not sleeping well. Aside from the inevitable trips to the bathroom, my feet and legs have been cramping up on me. My lower back has been spasming. I have random contractions throughout the day. So, I'm attempting to take it easy so this baby makes it to full term. I'm incredibly thankful for a husband that's so supportive.
What are you thankful for today?
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Midweek Menu
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Auburn 8-0 After Beating LSU
Thursday, October 21, 2010
TJ Reprimands the Nurse
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Pray Expecting Results
Monday, October 11, 2010
Pumpkin Patch Tradition

Friday, October 8, 2010
Thought of the Day
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Favorite Recipe Sources
Tasty Kitchen – huge compilation of recipes and many of them are rated by other readers. I love reading what people thought of a recipe and if/how they altered the recipe.
Hillbilly Housewife – great suggestions on how to make every day items from scratch. I use her recipes for making dry onion soup mix, granola, homemade yogurt, etc.
Barefoot Contessa – she knows how to make delicious food from simple ingredients. Love her recipes! I have a bunch of her cookbooks, but many of her recipes can be found on Food Network.
Taste of Home – tons of tried and true recipes. I have both the regular cookbook and the baking cookbook. Great resources!
Hobby Farm Home – a magazine that comes every other month that often has great recipes and interesting articles. My favorite banana bread recipe comes from here, but I can't find the recipe online.
Friends – great resources, especially because a lot of them are at the same life stage as me. They know what recipes are doable with young kids and a budget.
A year of slow cooking - I do a lot of crockpot cooking. You can make so many things in the crockpot from yogurt to dessert to pot roast and the food cooks itself.
Wholesome Baby Food - TJ eats what we eat now, but I used this site a lot when we were first introducing him to foods. We made all his baby food instead of buying jars of the processed stuff. Trust me, it tastes MUCH better.
Some of the recipes I mentioned in my previous post can be found at these locations:
Apple Bread I made this on Tuesday and it's yummy!
Hummus This is a standby at our house. My 18 month old devours this whenever he gets the chance!
Graham Crackers These are SUPER easy! They didn't last a day at our house and with whole wheat and honey - they're pretty healthy too.
Squash Bread - Made this without the optional topping and it's still delicious. You hardly know you're eating squash. I wish I'd found this recipe sooner as we had a ton of squash this summer!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
18 Month Checkup
Height: 35 inches tall (97th percentile)
Weight: 28.25 lbs (75th percentile)
Head Circumference: 19.25 inches (75th percentile)
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
CSA Tuesdays
The vegetables and fruits offered change from week to week. Sometimes we'll have the same vegetable offered week after week and other vegetables will appear for a week and then not be offered again. Sweet potatoes have been in season for a while. We have accumulated at least three weeks of sweet potatoes. We also have a large supply of winter squash and that's only from today! So tonight I have been perusing the internet for winter squash and sweet potato recipes. I also have an abundance of green beans right now. Sometimes the items seem to disappear so quickly and other times I have to start getting creative to use it up before it goes bad. The latter seems to be the case for the sweet potatoes and squash (even though I enjoy both). There's just that much! So if you have any suggestions on what to do with these items, I would love to know! I'm not big on making separate casserole dishes. Normally the veggies are either in the meal (like a casserole) or they're on the side but kept simple (sauteed, roasted, etc.)
The other fun thing about getting a box of locally grown produce is TJ gets to try new foods fairly often. He has eaten such an assortment of vegetables. Tonight we had okra, cucumbers and corn from last week's box. Trent devoured the corn and cucumbers but the boy does not like okra. If it happens to sneak into his mouth, he will find a way to remove it. He makes a face every time!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Cooking in Bulk
There are days when I just don't have time to cook or a certain toddler is bound and determined to keep me away from the countertops. He literally wedges himself in between me and the cabinets and pushes with all his might against me. It really makes cooking interesting! I know this will be amplified once I add a newborn to the mix. But gone are the days where we have a supply of Tombstone pizzas and Marie Callendar pot pies. So usually one night a week, I cook multiple meals at once. Tonight was my bulk cooking night.
This week's menu:
Monday: Alfredo
Tuesday: Pork Chops and Gravy
Wednesday: Black Bean Quesadillas
Thursday: Chick Pea and Parmesan Pasta
Friday: Leftovers/Clean out the Fridge Night
So today, I made the pork chops and gravy in the crockpot. It smelled SO good. I put it in tupperware for tomorrow because Tuesdays are our busiest day of the week. I made tonight's alfredo, homemade tortillas (for Wednesdays Quesadillas), and three batches of split pea soup to freeze.
Making meals to freeze helps me use up food that might otherwise go bad before I get to it and keeps us from ordering out when I don't get the chance or don't feel like cooking. I also make our snacks. We usually have homemade granola and hummus on hand. Just last week, I found a really easy homemade graham cracker recipe. It's healthy and delicious. We also have quick breads in the freezer.
Quick breads are my favorite! They are great for using up the extra produce we get in our CSA box. I make squash bread, banana bread, peach bread, strawberry bread, zucchini bread, pumpkin bread... you name it, I've probably made a quick bread out of it. Next up, apple bread! It's delightful with a cup of coffee in the morning and easy to pull out when company is coming over for a snack.
Eating this way requires more planning, but we are getting spoiled. Once you start making the homemade equivalents of most foods, you'll find the taste and nutritional value far superior to factory made foods.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Home Stretch
Another reason this stretch is difficult for me is the slowing down. I love to exercise. I have been diligent in keeping up with it the entire pregnancy. However, the more the baby grows (and in turn, I grow), the more it slows me down. Last week, my slow jog officially became a walk. In body pump, I have gradually been decreasing my weights and opting for lower options of some of the exercises. We also live in a tri-level house. Running up and down stairs leaves me out of breath and I don't get up from the floor as quickly when I'm playing with Trent. Jesse has taken over some of my chores that are uncomfortable when pregnant - usually they're the ones where the belly just gets in the way. For example, I can't put Trent's sheets on his crib mattress anymore. I simply can't reach the mattress bending over the bar!
When I was pregnant with Trent, I got tired of wearing the same clothes repeatedly. Fortunately, this hasn't been a problem yet. With the extended summer heat, I wore my same summer clothes over and over and over. But just this week, fall finally hit. The highs this week are in the high 70s/low 80s! This means my fall/winter maternity clothes that have been dying to come out are finally getting the chance to be worn. It's like having a whole new wardrobe. Since Trent was a March baby, I was at my biggest with him over the winter, so I shouldn't have a problem finishing out this pregnancy with my old maternity clothes. And since I had to wait so long to wear them this year, hopefully I won't tire of them as fast!
At 30 weeks, guesstimates are that the baby is about 3lbs and 16 inches long. Trent was usually smaller than the averages when we had ultrasounds. This big boy has measured larger than average on the ultrasounds. It'll be interesting to see how their birth weights differ when he arrives. I can't wait!
Friday, September 24, 2010
A Boy and His Dog(s)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Milling My Own Flour
We had been keeping massive bags of flour in the freezer. When I did some research, I found that the majority of the nutrients in flour are lost within 72 hours of being ground. When flour is commercially made, they purposely take out the bran and germ to increase the shelf life. This increases shelf life, but depletes the flour of nutrients. Even more nutrients are lost when the flour is bleached.
When you grind your own flour, the bread tastes delicious! It's lighter, moist and better tasting than commercial comparisons. Plus, there are many different kinds of grains to choose from - far more variety than you can find in the grocery store. I've never been a huge fan of toast, but homemade bread had me eating more, and bread made with freshly ground flour has me converted!
Now before you think I've lost my mind... it is SO easy. The grain mill works just like a coffee grinder. You toss wheat in the top and it shoots flour off the side into another bowl. It takes about a minute. So simple! Since you generally grind the grain right before you make the bread, you do have to do a little bit of math. 8 cups of grain makes 12 cups of flour so it's not a 1:1 ratio - still, it's not difficult.
So far I've made banana bread, a few loaves of sandwich bread and dinner rolls using the hard white wheat. They have all turned out really well. Tonight, I'm going to attempt some squash bread as well.
The first time we bought wheat, we drove about 30 minutes away to a store that sells the wheat. I later found a co-op in our town that we started using instead so we don't have to make the drive. I ordered Rye from the co-op so I'm anticipating its arrival so I can make some Rye bread and Pumpernickel Bread.
And the best perk... having a house that smells like freshly made bread!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Ready for Game Day

Monday, September 13, 2010
Warp Speed
Women's bible studies have kicked off again and we've been going to life group on Sunday nights. We really love our church and have met so many great friends through it. Trent and I continue to do our daily workouts. I'm so impressed he holds up for as long as he does when we go running. The bigger I get, the slower I run, but the distance has stayed the same. He's been so good about letting me finish my workout each day. I also planted our fall garden on Saturday. I love living in a place that has such a long growing season.
I made a list of all the things I need/want to get to done before baby number 2 gets here and it is lengthy! We need to get Trent transitioned into his "big boy room" pronto. That means that we have to renovate that room, pronto. I need to make Trent's fall/winter pants. I need to make Trent's halloween costume. I need to make his game day outfit. Next week is already the third week of football season! Auburn has been playing well, but it's just not the same when their number one fan is not decked out in his orange and blue! :) I've made a few pairs of overalls and a few pairs of pants so we have enough to get by, but not enough to keep me from doing laundry more often than I'd like. I still have 10 diapers to make before the baby arrives so we'll have plenty of cloth diapers for two boys in diapers. I'd like to get some freezer meals made so that cooking is easy while I'm adjusting to life with two children. Also, since baby number two will most likely be arriving sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I'd like to get started on Christmas shopping because that will not be a priority after the baby gets here. (Screaming newborn, hyper toddler, and crazy holiday malls, no thanks!) I don't remember everything on the list, but I know fall will be busy!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Long Weekend in Tennessee
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Structured Days
This was our Monday:
Breakfast, Get dinner ready in the crockpot, and kick off a load of laundry
Errands/Play Outside
Cleaning (Trent loves to help)
Craft Time
Playtime with Daddy
Bath Time
Bed Time
It has been working for us all week. Each day is different depending on what appointments or agendas we have to get through. However, it's so nice to have a general plan of what we want to accomplish throughout the day. I'm sure it'll go back to chaos for a little while after number 2 gets here, but for now it's working well so I'm sticking with it. :)
The other nice thing is the lack of television. Everyone has their own views on TV time at this age. I'm not a huge fan. We don't have cable at our house, but we do have Netflix. Netflix has an extensive instant streaming library so if I really need to get something done, I can pop on an episode of Veggietales, but for the most part, the TV does not get much use in our house. Pandora gets a TON of use though. Our little boy loves music, so we have praise music or toddler music playing all.the.time.