Friday, December 3, 2010

Two New Baby Essentials

There are two things that I didn't have when I had Trent that I have been using nonstop since I had Sean.

1. The Moby Wrap:
My first born was not into swaddling or being wrapped up in any fashion. Anytime you put him in any form of constraint (carrier, carseat, swaddle sleep sacks, etc.), he would pitch a fit. He would instantly try his hardest to get out of whatever contraption he was in or scream until you took him out. (This made for some very long car rides when he refused to sleep.)

But, a friend of mine swore by this wrap. When I found out I was pregnant with my second, I saw it on clearance and decided to pick it up. My second son is the opposite of the first. He sleeps better wrapped up like a burrito. He loves being cuddled and held. As long as he's not hungry or in need of a diaper change, he's perfectly content to hang out in the moby. With a lot of the carriers, the baby really needs to have neck control before you can use it regularly. The moby is a great newborn baby carrier.

2. Total Baby Iphone App
One of the hardest things for me when the baby is tiny is keeping track of all the wet/dirty diapers and remembering when the baby nursed. This app keeps track of all that for you. It's really easy to use! It also tracks a bunch of other things (baths, medications, events, heights, weights, etc.) For now, my main use is the feeding portion of it. It's making life so much easier!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Thank you for the suggestions! Ben got me a Moby wrap last Christmas, when Bemis was on the way, and I just bought the app on iTunes. I was looking for a way to record all that information without havign to write it down (my handwriting has gone down the toilet since my strokes). Thank you!