Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Mom Habits
As I was cleaning the bathrooms, I found myself finishing the first bathroom and wondering how much time I had left to finish the second bathroom. Then it dawned on me that I didn't have a time limit today. Trent's still at Grandma's so I could clean the whole house room by room in one day. Normally, I break it down and clean during his naptimes so bathrooms get done on one day, the floors get washed on another day, etc and eventually by then end of the week, everything has been cleaned. Even with him not here though, I find myself efficiently working at the same hasty speed as when he's here (naptime only lasts so long, ya know!) There's no off switch for mom habits.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Making Progress!
I know the blog posts have been more sparse than usual, but we're making progress on the kitchen! The cabinets and microwave have been installed (eventually all the appliances will be white, but that's happening over time). The sink, faucets and countertops have all been ordered and should arrive within a week. So exciting!! The cabinets are a chestnut color. The walls are a sage/olive green. The countertops are granite with brown, gold, and ivory tones. It's going to look so nice when it's all done. I have to dig up our before shots of the kitchen but once it is all in, I'll post a before and after post.

Friday, April 23, 2010
They're Here, They're Here, They're Finally Here!

Our new kitchen cabinets arrived yesterday! We have slowly been remodeling our house room by room and the kitchen is finally getting its turn. Our current kitchen cabinets are older than me so I'm super excited for the improvement. Right now they are sitting in the garage. Jesse is going to tackle ripping out the old ones this weekend. I took Trent up to my parents for a few days so that he would be able to have fun with Grandma and Grandpa and still maintain a fairly normal schedule. All the banging and construction zone at our house over the upcoming week would not be the easiest place to entertain a mobile toddler! I'll post pics as the improvements are made!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Homegrown Produce (Happy Earth Day!)
We watched a movie called Food, Inc. last night. I highly recommend it. It's a documentary on the food industry in America. It didn't really change my opinion on anything; just confirmed how I already felt. Years ago, I ate McDonalds Chicken Mcnuggets and became very ill. I was constantly throwing up. I couldn't move a muscle without vomiting. This went on for days. I finally got better but people die from Salmonella and E. Coli every year. The food industry is run like a factory and quality control takes a backseat to the four or five large food companies making profits. When I was in nursing school doing clinicals, I met a woman who had her intestines rupture from a meal she ate at a fast food restaurant. Where does this meat come from? The poor woman will have to find a "new normal" for the rest of her life because of a hamburger that she trusted was edible. A good hamburger is still one of my favorite meals. I don't intend to stop eating red meat. But there are a few things that I can do to better understand what I'm eating. Here are some helpful suggestions I found and am hoping to implement at our house. We have already been doing some of these things for a while.
1. Stop drinking sodas and other sweetened beverages
This is one we already do, but I admit every once in a blue moon I'll drink a Coke and boy is it a treat when I do!
2. Eat at home instead of eating out
I love a nice meal prepared by someone else, so we still eat out occasionally. I love restaurants that support locally grown food and actually list on the menu where they purchased the ingredients!
3. Go without meat one day a week
There are plenty of great natural foods out there that provide a variety of nutrients. Be adventurous and try different types of vegetables, grains, legumes, etc.
4. Buy organic or sustainable food with few pesticides.
We're working on this one. We buy some things organic but we are nowhere near all organic. Some things are just plain hard to find organic and other things are a lot more expensive to buy organic. We do organic dairy and attempt to follow the "dirty dozen." Costco does a good job of providing organic foods at an affordable price.
5. Protect family farms; visit your local farmer's market
I LOVE this one. Farmers markets are my favorite. I enjoy the whole atmosphere of fresh produce and homemade sauces and spices. It's easily one of my favorite spots to go in the summer. I'm also contemplating buying our meat this way. You can go here to see a list of local farmers in your area. U-pick farms are a great family outing too!
6. Read labels.
I love to know what's in my food and if it contains a bunch of things that I don't understand, I try to avoid it. There's probably a reason why the companies list an item as xanthum gum instead of bio-engineered additive.
7. Tell Congress that food safety is important to you.
Many of the politicians, FDA advisors, etc. have tie ins to the food industry. Years ago, the food industry was not controlled by four or five large companies that basically decide how we get our food in the supermarket. As consumers we should demand that we want high quality foods that aren't bio-engineered, cloned, given hormones, etc. Our voices can be heard. Even Walmart milk is now rbst free because enough consumers spoke up.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Menu Monday
Sunday, April 11, 2010
12 Month Stats
Friday, April 9, 2010
Random Tidbits of Life with A Boy
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Rain, Rain, Rain
We're also in full swing pollen season right now. Everything is coated in icky, yellow pollen. Oak pollen is what causes everyone's allergies to go crazy. Pine pollen is what coats everything. My green car looks yellow. I took Trent to the playground yesterday and he was COVERED in pollen by the time we got home. I don't struggle with allergies, but Jesse does, so April is a tough month for him. His eyes get itchy. I'm hoping that all this heavy rain will wash all the pollen right out of the trees!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Who Does He Look Like?
Monday, April 5, 2010
Easter Weekend
My little Sailor
Grandpa showing TJ the ropes
Jesse taking over for a bit
Hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa
We went up to Tennessee to visit my folks for Easter weekend. My uncle, aunt and cousin were down visiting from New York. It was great to catch up with them. We don't get to see them nearly as often as we'd like. The weather this weekend was gorgeous - sunny and 80's!
We got a chance to get the boat in the water. What a difference having TJ on the water this year! Last year, every time we got on the boat he fell asleep. This year he was crawling all over the floor of the boat. He doesn't quite have his "sea legs" yet. He struggled a little bit walking around the moving boat. The carp were spawning in the marina this weekend so he also got a kick out of watching the big fish whip around in the water.
Trent and Nack (my cousin) did an Easter egg hunt on Sunday. Nack did a great job finding some well hidden eggs. Trent was content to play with the ones he found right away rather than keep looking. Trent had a good time playing with his cousin. She gave him a lot of attention and stuck right with him, everywhere he went. She spent a lot of time entertaining him. She'll be a great babysitter in the future!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter!!!

I love holidays, especially now since I have a child. Children amplify the holidays. They bring a whole new level of excitement to the day. Easter is often thought of as Easter bunnies and candy like Christmas brings Santa and presents under the tree. I love to see the look in Trent's eyes and the noises he makes when he's super excited. I love that boy! I would do anything for him. So it brings to light how much greater God's love is than any amount of love I could ever offer anyone. I can hardly comprehend how much God loved humanity to sacrifice his only son for people that mocked him, abused him, humilated him, tormented him, abandoned him. But he loves us THAT much. Thank You Jesus!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Dogs on the Fireplace?

Thursday, April 1, 2010
Baking With the Boy