Today it's supposed to rain all day. I woke up this morning to a hard rain and thunder and lightening. Usually, I'm a sunshine fan, but today I'm really thankful for the rain. It started off with an excuse to skip body pump this morning. Do I
really want to get soaking wet just to go the gym at 5:30 in the morning? So after contemplating for a little bit, I made my way back under the covers. I can do body pump on Saturday morning if I'm still feeling guilty about skipping today.
We're also in full swing pollen season right now. Everything is coated in icky, yellow pollen. Oak pollen is what causes everyone's allergies to go crazy. Pine pollen is what coats everything. My green car looks yellow. I took Trent to the playground yesterday and he was COVERED in pollen by the time we got home. I don't struggle with allergies, but Jesse does, so April is a tough month for him. His eyes get itchy. I'm hoping that all this heavy rain will wash all the pollen right out of the trees!

Would you believe I washed this table down just two days ago?

Yes, that is the screen from the porch that you see...
it's that whole not wanting to get out in the rain
I love our winter yard because I can see forever through the woods. It's easy to spot deer on the ridge and see birds flying through. I love the summer yard because everything is green and full of life. It amazes me each year how quickly the green comes in. It seems like it's been all in one week that our backyard woods transformed from barren winter trees to a yard full of green!
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