Saturday, July 17, 2010

The 'Regular' Vocab Words

Trent is getting more verbal each day. I am sure there are things he's saying that we just don't realize are words yet. He also tries to repeat things we say. Here are some of the ones we hear everyday:
Ma (Muh Muh)
Dad (Da da)
Milk (Mik)
More (Maw)
Ball (Baw)
Outside (Sighed)

I'm sure there are some words that I'm forgetting. He is so good at expressing exactly what he wants that sometimes I don't even realize if he's using words or not!

Having children is so much fun. It seems like each stage is more fun than the last. How can it possibly keep getting better?! I probably won't be saying that when they're going through their teenage years, but for now, I am absolutely loving it!

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