It is SO hot this time of year. We just finished our hottest July on record and traditionally, August is even worse than July. Temperatures have been right around 100 for several weeks, heat indexes have brought it into the 105 - 110 degree range. I love summer. I really do. But in the deep south, real summer can start in May and go on well into September. And it's not a "dry heat," it is a sticky, humid, sweat sitting still heat.
To best describe it to my friends and family in the Midwest Tundra, it's comparable to the feeling you get midwinter when you are just plain tired of cold and snow and ready for spring (except here it's the opposite.) I'm looking forward to the day where I actually consider putting on a shirt with sleeves. The thought of wearing jeans almost makes me giddy!
We can't be couped up inside all summer long in the air conditioning. It would drive me (and Trent) absolutely nuts. So we still continue to go on walks, play outside, etc. Thankfully, my inlaws and the YMCA we belong to have pools. So at least a couple of times a week, we go swimming! And the pool season is Looong. Last year, I think my inlaws had their pool open April through October. So here's to surviving the rest of summer!


If you look closely, it's a 21 week baby bump!


Floating with Daddy
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