Thursday, December 30, 2010
Cuddle Phase
This morning as I was rocking Sean in the early hours, I thought about the cuddle phase. I knew he was dry and fed. He simply wanted to be held. Once I held him, he snuggled up and was completely content. I sometimes complain about being tired, but I really loving holding newborn babies. The time when they have such a strong longing to be held is fleeting. Pretty soon, they want to start exploring their new world. My older baby seems so much older now that he's a big brother. He's constantly climbing on things, trying to learn new words and on the move. Yet, it wasn't even two years ago that he was this age. Big brother is still very affectionate, but it's not that total dependence of a newborn. God knew what he was doing when he set up this bonding period. The baby learns that he's safe, secure, and loved. The parents realize just how strong their love is for the child. I cherish these little moments because I know it won't be long until he'd rather be attempting to climb my kitchen island than snuggle with his mama. :)
daily life
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Two in Cloth Diapers
You may remember this post, when I wrote about how we purchased a bunch of BumGenius One Size Diapers before we had Trent. After replacing the velcro with snaps, they held up great. When we found out we were pregnant with another baby, we had to figure out what to do with the diaper situation again. We initially purchased enough diapers for one baby, but not enough for two. The BumGenius diapers are expensive so I opted to make the diapers this time around. I found an easy pattern and got busy sewing. I made Trent large size pocket diapers. He has been in the same size diaper for a while and I don't see him growing out of it very soon. On the other hand, Sean will be growing rapidly for a while so he's better off in the adjustable diapers. So now we have two stacks. Trent's (on the left) are the homemade diapers and Sean's (on the right) are the BumGenius diapers. Aside from changing more diapers (which I'd be doing regardless of whether Sean wears disposables or cloth), it really hasn't been a big adjustment. I still like using cloth diapers on my kiddos. :)
daily life,
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
A Cozy White Christmas
Christmas this year came really quickly. We had Sean a few days after Thanksgiving so the whole Christmas season was a whirlwind. We opted to celebrate Christmas morning as a family of four in our own house. Traditionally, we've traveled somewhere for Christmas so this was a change up for us, but we all enjoyed our Christmas at home. The morning started out different than a normal day. Trent usually wakes up between 6:30 and 7am. Christmas morning, he slept until 8:30! We were up at 5:30 with Sean, so we were waiting on him to wake up for hours. I made the men of the house matching pajamas so it was fun seeing everyone wearing their new pajama pants.

First, we opened presents. I love Christmas so much more now that I have kids. Watching children experience Christmas is one of my very favorite things about the season. This year was no different. Trent got so excited over each and every present. He would open each gift all the way up (even if assembly was required) and play with it for at least 20 minutes before opening the next gift.

Next, we had a big breakfast of eggs, Poppy's famous hashbrowns, and bacon. After breakfast, we opened stocking stuffers. Then it was time to make Jesus's birthday cake. We had a lot of fun with the cake. It was a white cake with cream cheese icing and Trent went to town decorating it with red and green sprinkles.
And the best surprise... a white Christmas! It snowed on Christmas Day!
First, we opened presents. I love Christmas so much more now that I have kids. Watching children experience Christmas is one of my very favorite things about the season. This year was no different. Trent got so excited over each and every present. He would open each gift all the way up (even if assembly was required) and play with it for at least 20 minutes before opening the next gift.
daily life,
Monday, December 27, 2010
Zombie Zone

We're in full fledged zombie mode at our house (as my husband lovingly calls it). Sean is cuddly and sweet and precious. He's growing fast and already gives out plenty of smiles. He turns 1 month old today. He struggles in the sleep department. No real sign of improvement or a developing pattern. He either plans his nap perfectly so he wakes up when Trent goes down for his nap or he'll take 5-10 minute cat naps after each nursing session. Sean eats. and eats. and eats some more. He averages about every hour and a half around the clock, which can be pretty exhausting. This morning all I could think about until I got my first cup of coffee was my longing for a little sleep. I turn the big 3-0 in 11 days. I'm hoping Sean will lovingly give me a 4 hour block of sleep. Here's to hoping he gives me my birthday wish! :)
daily life
Monday, December 20, 2010
The Daredevil

He rides his horse like a jockey, he rides his ride toys like a snowboarder or skateboarder. He only runs at full speed. He's all boy and fearless. He's tall for his age and really strong. He stands on anything he can find to reach whatever it is he's interested in. He's interested in everything. He'll physically pick items up and carry them over to use them as makeshift step stools. He loves to jump. He is a bundle of joy and a bundle of energy! Chasing after him definitely keeps us busy.
daily life,
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Mama Said There'd Be Days Like This...
Each day is different. Some days are really enjoyable. Other days are a little more difficult. Thursday and Friday went really well. We even ventured out to a park. My first trip bundling up two kids and getting them into the car went better than I expected. We live in tri-level house so this is an accomplishment! The smooth days make life with two little ones seem easier than I was anticipating. The tougher days make me appreciate the easy ones.
Trent is acting out a little more than normal, but that's not all that surprising since he is used to having all my attention. It takes longer for us all to get in the car, but we've still managed a few trips around town. Sean wants to eat every 1.5 hours so I feel like I am constantly stopping to nurse. If we're not stopping to nurse, we're stopping for a diaper change because inevitably, one of them needs one at any given point in time.
My biggest worry right now though is avoiding getting sick. Everyone around us seems to be fighting some kind of cold/flu/stomach bug, etc. I would love for us to make it through the winter illness free. The hardest part for me right now is surviving the 'newborn bubble' phase or you could call it the trapped in my own house phase. I'm hoping a little germ paranoia will keep us (especially Sean) healthy, but staying inside for days on end can be hard on the sanity. I like taking the boys outside. Fresh air does us all good. Plus, it'll be other people, not the outdoors, that gets them sick. But, this week the weather dropped to frigid (the wind chill was 11 degrees this morning - that's unusually cold for Alabama!) so now we're really stuck inside!
This morning went great. We were all cuddled up on the couch. Trent was playing games and Sean was sleeping on my lap. Trent laid his head in Sean's lap and at one point they held hands. It was really cute. I love when Trent is sweet to his brother. I can't wait to see their brotherly bond develop. Anyway... Sean decided he was done napping - for the entire day. He also decided he'd only be content to be held, otherwise he'd yell (he was having some gas issues). I love snuggling with my baby, but it's nice to have a few minutes to myself when Trent goes down for his nap. Trent sleeps for a couple of hours so usually I get at least a little break during that time because Sean will nod off for a while too. Today - not so much.
The dogs also are not adapting well to being demoted in rank once again. They have been misbehaving. I know they'll reluctantly get used to the new normal. They eventually accepted Trent into the pack so I'm sure they'll do the same with Sean. They just feel the need to let me know they're unimpressed for a while. Unfortunately, I don't enjoy cleaning up after them too!
daily life
Friday, December 10, 2010
Two Kids Sleeping at the Same Time...
I think this occasion calls for a nap! Don't mind if I do! :)
daily life
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
New Normals
Tomorrow starts the beginning of our "new normal." Jesse heads back to work, so it'll be my first full day alone with the boys. I'm a little nervous and a little excited to try and start settling into a routine again. Trent has been adjusting well to having a new family member. He's constantly yelling, "baby!" I am trying not to be too overprotective because I want Trent to feel comfortable around Sean. At the same time, I don't want Sean to accidentally get hurt because of Trent's rambunctiousness, so it's a bit of a balancing act. It's an entertaining, interesting combination to pair together a high energy toddler and a newborn that sleeps, eats, and poops all day.
I put up my maternity clothes tonight. So begins the journey back to prepreggo size. I still have four and a half weeks until I can start working out again. In the meanwhile, it'll be more about resisting Christmas cookies, Christmas candy, etc. and keeping my appetite in check. When I am nursing, I am hungry all.the.time. I have to remember to eat healthy options instead of those tempting Christmas goodies!
We've had a lot of fun spending time as a family. There have been a lot of smiles!
The Comedian of the Family - He loves to make us laugh!
Is there anything better than newborn snuggles?
Proud Papa
Bundled up to play outside - its been COLD!
daily life
Sunday, December 5, 2010
First Impressions of Life with Two Under Two
No promises on how accurate these are as they are simply first impressions and not anything wise and knowledgeable. I am still way too new in the "mama of two" club to dish out any advice!
1. I really cherish a hot shower and a cup of coffee in the morning. They are like little gifts from heaven.
2. God has given us an amazing ability to love others. I fell in love with Sean instantly, but I adore Trent just as much. My cup overflows for both of them.
3. Multitasking takes on a whole new level. Nursing a baby while putting on someone else's shoes or reading a book is the new normal.
4. I have much more patience with sleepless nights and breastfeeding the second time around.
5. Diapers, Diapers, Diapers - I am thankful that newborn diapers are nowhere near the mess of the 20 month diapers.
6. I am blessed that my Mom is willing to stay with us for a week. Her help with Trent, cooking and cleaning is a godsend.
7. Jesse is an incredible dad. I'm impressed daily at how natural he has become with bonding with the boys, swaddling, changing diapers, etc.
8. My boys LOVE to eat. They are born average sized and then the race is on to get to the 90th percentile.
9. Personalities show up instantly. Trent was an easy, laid back baby. He might grumble if he was hungry or tired, but he usually didn't ramp up to screaming very quickly. Sean is feisty. He is either totally content or screaming his head off. He can go from calm to full out, high pitched scream in about 2 seconds flat. But, as soon as he's fed or his diaper is changed, he's completely content again.
10. Sibling Rivalry starts immediately. If I'm feeding Sean, Trent needs to be thisclose to my lap and having a book read to him. If I'm about to give Trent my full attention, there's a good chance that Sean will pick that as the opportune time to start yelling.
I wouldn't change a thing. I am loving life and feel so privileged to be mom to two handsome little boys. Blessed, blessed, blessed!
1. I really cherish a hot shower and a cup of coffee in the morning. They are like little gifts from heaven.
2. God has given us an amazing ability to love others. I fell in love with Sean instantly, but I adore Trent just as much. My cup overflows for both of them.
3. Multitasking takes on a whole new level. Nursing a baby while putting on someone else's shoes or reading a book is the new normal.
4. I have much more patience with sleepless nights and breastfeeding the second time around.
5. Diapers, Diapers, Diapers - I am thankful that newborn diapers are nowhere near the mess of the 20 month diapers.
6. I am blessed that my Mom is willing to stay with us for a week. Her help with Trent, cooking and cleaning is a godsend.
7. Jesse is an incredible dad. I'm impressed daily at how natural he has become with bonding with the boys, swaddling, changing diapers, etc.
8. My boys LOVE to eat. They are born average sized and then the race is on to get to the 90th percentile.
9. Personalities show up instantly. Trent was an easy, laid back baby. He might grumble if he was hungry or tired, but he usually didn't ramp up to screaming very quickly. Sean is feisty. He is either totally content or screaming his head off. He can go from calm to full out, high pitched scream in about 2 seconds flat. But, as soon as he's fed or his diaper is changed, he's completely content again.
10. Sibling Rivalry starts immediately. If I'm feeding Sean, Trent needs to be thisclose to my lap and having a book read to him. If I'm about to give Trent my full attention, there's a good chance that Sean will pick that as the opportune time to start yelling.
I wouldn't change a thing. I am loving life and feel so privileged to be mom to two handsome little boys. Blessed, blessed, blessed!
mama musings,
Friday, December 3, 2010
Two New Baby Essentials
There are two things that I didn't have when I had Trent that I have been using nonstop since I had Sean.
1. The Moby Wrap:
My first born was not into swaddling or being wrapped up in any fashion. Anytime you put him in any form of constraint (carrier, carseat, swaddle sleep sacks, etc.), he would pitch a fit. He would instantly try his hardest to get out of whatever contraption he was in or scream until you took him out. (This made for some very long car rides when he refused to sleep.)
But, a friend of mine swore by this wrap. When I found out I was pregnant with my second, I saw it on clearance and decided to pick it up. My second son is the opposite of the first. He sleeps better wrapped up like a burrito. He loves being cuddled and held. As long as he's not hungry or in need of a diaper change, he's perfectly content to hang out in the moby. With a lot of the carriers, the baby really needs to have neck control before you can use it regularly. The moby is a great newborn baby carrier.
2. Total Baby Iphone App
One of the hardest things for me when the baby is tiny is keeping track of all the wet/dirty diapers and remembering when the baby nursed. This app keeps track of all that for you. It's really easy to use! It also tracks a bunch of other things (baths, medications, events, heights, weights, etc.) For now, my main use is the feeding portion of it. It's making life so much easier!
1. The Moby Wrap:
My first born was not into swaddling or being wrapped up in any fashion. Anytime you put him in any form of constraint (carrier, carseat, swaddle sleep sacks, etc.), he would pitch a fit. He would instantly try his hardest to get out of whatever contraption he was in or scream until you took him out. (This made for some very long car rides when he refused to sleep.)
But, a friend of mine swore by this wrap. When I found out I was pregnant with my second, I saw it on clearance and decided to pick it up. My second son is the opposite of the first. He sleeps better wrapped up like a burrito. He loves being cuddled and held. As long as he's not hungry or in need of a diaper change, he's perfectly content to hang out in the moby. With a lot of the carriers, the baby really needs to have neck control before you can use it regularly. The moby is a great newborn baby carrier.
2. Total Baby Iphone App
One of the hardest things for me when the baby is tiny is keeping track of all the wet/dirty diapers and remembering when the baby nursed. This app keeps track of all that for you. It's really easy to use! It also tracks a bunch of other things (baths, medications, events, heights, weights, etc.) For now, my main use is the feeding portion of it. It's making life so much easier!
daily life
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Great News for Auburn
Yesterday, the NCAA ruled Cam Newton is eligible to compete. This is great news for Auburn. It has been a great season (12-0!). We have the SEC championship this weekend and hopefully (if we win), a national championship after that! War Eagle!
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