Monday, January 24, 2011

Back in the Gym

Today was my first official day back in the gym. I was so glad to be back! I've been running outside for several weeks now, but I had not yet made it to the gym. It's so easy to make excuses with a newborn as to why I can't go (lack of sleep being the major one, followed closely by two under two is tiring).

Maintaining good health is beneficial to both me and my family. Plus, it's really nice being able to focus on the workout and get some solo time. The best time frame for me to go during the day is early morning. There's nowhere else I have to be at that time of day so stuff doesn't get in the way. I find when I depend on my workouts being at other times during the day, so many things can pop up and get in the way of good intentions. The other reason is that we're still minimizing how much time Sean spends in nursery. This leaves me to either find someone to watch the boys for a little bit during the day (not always easy) or go during the times when Jesse is home at night. I've never been good at working out after a long day. Hence, the early morning workout slot.

So, this morning I ran 5 miles on the treadmill. Tomorrow is body pump. Hopefully, I'll be able to reestablish the habit/routine of early morning workouts pretty quick.

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