I try to sew a little bit each week because I've put myself on a fabric buying freeze until I knock out some of the projects that I need to get done. I love to knock projects out all at once and move onto the next one. However, with two little ones, I don't have the time to finish an entire outfit in one sitting. So, I cut out the pattern one day, make the lining another day, etc. until the project is completed. Specifically, Trent is in need of pajama pants and shorts for the summer. So today, I finished up three pairs of pants/shorts. They had made it to the 'need elastic in the waistband' stage and had been sitting on my sewing desk. The green and blue jungle themed pants are pajamas. The Thomas the Train pants are for Trent's birthday party this coming weekend. The green and white plaid shorts are bermuda shorts for the summer.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Super Fast!
Full speed ahead. That's the only speed TJ knows. We have a sloped driveway. He has a bike and a scooter. He gets a running start, aims straight, and off he goes!
And speaking of fast, can you believe this little guy is already four months old?! He has turned into such a laid back, happy baby. He is ALWAYS smiling - such a joy to be around!
daily life
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Team Rump 'N Roll
I ran a 5K this morning. It was so much fun! It was the first race that I have done in a couple of years. We put together a team called Rump 'N Roll. The race was called the Rumpshaker. It raised money for colon cancer research. There were eight of us on the team and everyone did great! It was a fun atmosphere. Jesse brought the boys along to cheer. There were a ton of people running so it was hard to meet up with everyone, but we did manage to get a picture with 5 of the 8 team members.
Friday, March 25, 2011
2 Years Old!
Trent turned 2 on Tuesday. To celebrate his actual birthday, we went out for Mexican and ice cream. We're having a 'Thomas the Train' party for him in about a week. Thomas is taking over a local railroad museum, so we'll be making a trip to see Thomas and Sir Topham Hatt. Afterward we'll have a little party at our house. Trent loves Thomas the Train. He doesn't watch much TV, but when he does, his first request is usually for 'Mas! I made these cupcake toppers yesterday:
daily life,
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Nurture vs Nature
When raising kids, I often wonder what is a result of parental behavior and what happens purely just because. When Trent was about Sean's age, he slept at 9, 1, and 4. Eventually, he gave up the 4pm nap and then later he gave up the 9am nap. He still takes a 1pm nap. Most moms I know that have their kids on a nap schedule, keep one fairly similar to Trent's original schedule.
Then, we had Sean. For the first few months of Sean's life, he wasn't really into sleeping. It eventually came. When the exhaustion was really sinking in, I started putting both boys down at the same time. I figured we'd start a bedtime routine, even if Sean didn't believe in going to bed. It worked. Soon after, Sean started sleeping through the night. He and Trent both sleep from 7pm until about 6am every night. (Sean gets up at 4 to eat and goes right back to sleep.) I don't know if he just embraced the schedule we started setting for him or if at that same time he was ready to start sleeping through the night. Then, there was naptime. Trent would consistently nap and Sean would inevitably catnap throughout the day. Well, between 1 and 4, I was always "resting" with Sean because I didn't want him to wake his brother. (Our house isn't that big and Sean has a set of lungs that could wake the neighbors.) Eventually, Sean started taking his nap at the same time as his brother. So he may or may not go down for an hour in the morning, but he usually sleeps from 1-4 in the afternoon. So again, is it nature that he established his own sleep pattern or nurture that him sleeping at the same time as Trent was the behavior I was encouraging? Regardless, I try my best as a mama but I don't take a lot of credit for their behavior. I just accept the fact that God has blessed me with two adorable little boys.
Then, we had Sean. For the first few months of Sean's life, he wasn't really into sleeping. It eventually came. When the exhaustion was really sinking in, I started putting both boys down at the same time. I figured we'd start a bedtime routine, even if Sean didn't believe in going to bed. It worked. Soon after, Sean started sleeping through the night. He and Trent both sleep from 7pm until about 6am every night. (Sean gets up at 4 to eat and goes right back to sleep.) I don't know if he just embraced the schedule we started setting for him or if at that same time he was ready to start sleeping through the night. Then, there was naptime. Trent would consistently nap and Sean would inevitably catnap throughout the day. Well, between 1 and 4, I was always "resting" with Sean because I didn't want him to wake his brother. (Our house isn't that big and Sean has a set of lungs that could wake the neighbors.) Eventually, Sean started taking his nap at the same time as his brother. So he may or may not go down for an hour in the morning, but he usually sleeps from 1-4 in the afternoon. So again, is it nature that he established his own sleep pattern or nurture that him sleeping at the same time as Trent was the behavior I was encouraging? Regardless, I try my best as a mama but I don't take a lot of credit for their behavior. I just accept the fact that God has blessed me with two adorable little boys.
mama musings
Places to Go
Baby Sean is rolling over!
The boys and I went for a run this morning. We ran for three miles around the neighborhood. I love our neighborhood. It's really pretty. The area is wooded and hilly and there's a creek that runs behind some of the homes. The people you meet are always friendly. Both boys really seem to enjoy the stroller most of the time. Plus, as I get faster, we are able to cover more distance in the same amount of time. Today we kept a 12 minute pace. The first two miles were at an 11 mile/min pace, but the climb up to our house is a rough one. On a treadmill, I've been doing about an 8.5 min/mile pace (if that gives you any indication as to the effects of what hills and pushing 50lbs of kiddos will do to your pace). We had fun though. Sean faces me so we smile at each other the whole time and Trent points out all our surroundings. When we got back to the house, I laid a blanket on the grass for Sean and I. Trent went in and got his toys. While Trent was drawing masterpieces on our driveway with sidewalk chalk, Sean rolled over from his back to his front. So fun to see! We were outside all morning. Sean was happy as could be to soak up the sun and Trent was all over the place. It really feels like spring is here!
daily life,
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Different Approach the Second Time

Fast forward four years and two babies later and we're starting round 2. During round 1, I discovered that running and biking are two of my favorite forms of exercise. I love how fast you can go on a road bike, but also enjoy being in the woods on a mountain bike. Same with running, I love to push myself on the pavement, but also love running the trails. My affection for swimming is more than it used to be, but I still wouldn't say, "I heart swimming." Some friends of mine convinced me to train for another race in June. With two little ones at home (one that is still breastfeeding), I obviously can't train to the same degree that I trained previously. Oddly enough, that has been really refreshing. I am enjoying each workout more this time because there aren't as many of them. I don't feel SO tied to the sport. Mountain biking is something Jesse and I love to do together. Unfortunately, there can be a good chance of getting hurt while doing it. I used to be afraid an injury would end a triathlon season. This time around, since I am racing for fun and nothing else, I am not worried about it. So I probably won't be winning any awards this summer, but it'll be great for shedding the baby weight, enjoying time with friends and exercising outdoors!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Reading More
Around the new year, I decided I wanted to read more in 2011. I made a long list of all the books I have been wanting to read and just haven't had the chance. So far, I'm averaging a few books per month. None of them have been terrible, some of them have been average and some I've really enjoyed.
My favorites so far:
Blue Like Jazz - really enjoyed this book. I read through the whole thing in a day. It's one of those books that you don't want to put down and yet you want to stop and think after each paragraph. It came out several years ago and has been on my "to read" list for a while and I finally got to it. It's a narrative of Donald Miller's spiritual journey with Christianity. It is told through a bunch of short stories.
The Help - this book was recommended (and borrowed from) a good friend of mine. It's set in Mississippi in the 60s, during the civil rights movement. The story is told from three different points of view. Living in the south, but not having been raised in the south, it is an interesting glimpse into a moment in time in American history.
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