Fast forward four years and two babies later and we're starting round 2. During round 1, I discovered that running and biking are two of my favorite forms of exercise. I love how fast you can go on a road bike, but also enjoy being in the woods on a mountain bike. Same with running, I love to push myself on the pavement, but also love running the trails. My affection for swimming is more than it used to be, but I still wouldn't say, "I heart swimming." Some friends of mine convinced me to train for another race in June. With two little ones at home (one that is still breastfeeding), I obviously can't train to the same degree that I trained previously. Oddly enough, that has been really refreshing. I am enjoying each workout more this time because there aren't as many of them. I don't feel SO tied to the sport. Mountain biking is something Jesse and I love to do together. Unfortunately, there can be a good chance of getting hurt while doing it. I used to be afraid an injury would end a triathlon season. This time around, since I am racing for fun and nothing else, I am not worried about it. So I probably won't be winning any awards this summer, but it'll be great for shedding the baby weight, enjoying time with friends and exercising outdoors!
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