This weekend finally warmed up. We've had an unusually cold winter. It even snowed twice in one week! That doesn't happen around here! Anyway, on Saturday, it warmed up to mid 60s so we knew we had to make the most of it (there are rumors for MORE snow this weekend, ug!) So after TJ's morning nap, we started our adventure. Our first stop was to a kiddie consignment store. TJ's feet are as wide as they are long, so it makes buying shoes for him really interesting. We found a nice pair of brown shoes for him. Essential, since he's beginning to walk. He has mastered cruising along the furniture. He can walk fine holding one or both of our hands and will even take 4-5 steps at a time on his own. He's SO over the crawling thing, but he hasn't quite mastered walking full time independently. After getting him proper footwear and some lunch, we headed off to the zoo. It was a gorgeous day for it. All the animals were out since it wasn't too warm or too cold. It was the first time we've been to the zoo where he has really taken an interest in looking at the animals AND he wanted to walk through it on his own. He was not thrilled to be in the stroller so we literally took baby steps through the zoo. It was really cute. Afterwards, we went downtown and checked out the Bassmaster exhibit. By the time we were headed home, little man was out for the count. Great family day!

Enjoying the View

Fast Asleep
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