Organized Chaos
1. Bluetooth
Jesse gave this to me for Christmas. I never thought that I would be one of those ubergeeks that walks around with the ear piece. (I still don't wear it in public!) But this has definitely been a huge help! My hands never seem to be free. They are feeding a baby, playing with a baby, changing a diaper, making a meal, cleaning up, gardening, the list goes on and on. But, the phone still rings! This handy little device makes it possible to keep up with family and friends, and make appointments and plans without having to stop everything else that I'm doing.
2. Planning a Menu
This goes hand in hand with coupon clipping too because you can eat what's on sale. By planning a menu ahead of time, you alleviate the 4pm stress of "Oh man, what am I going to make tonight?!" This also saves money because you don't go out to eat or call for take out as often. Plus, you can save money by reusing leftovers in a different fashion. For instance, this week, I made a whole chicken in the crockpot on Monday. This will be used up later on this week in a chicken pot pie or chicken tacos. This also helps to make sure your family is getting a variety of foods. I usually make a pasta one night, a soup another night, a hearty meat dish another night, etc. Sundays are usually a clean out the fridge/brinner (breakfast for dinner) night so I don't have to cook.
3. Refrain from Being a Pack Mule
One of my Christmas presents was a small wallet that just holds my license, a credit/debit card and some cash. I have an iPhone that multi tasks as phone/grocery list and about a gazillion other things. Add my keys and you have all I need for me 99% of the time. I can throw these things in a small purse, the pockets of my jacket, the diaper bag, or wherever else may be convenient at the time and I'm not loaded down like a pack mule!
4. Take Time to Rejuvenate
I have to give it to stay at home moms. I have been a full time professional. I have been a full time professional while being a full time student. I have been a professional, student and triathlete at the same time. At no point were there days that wore me out like some of the days I've had as a stay at home mom. I'd be willing to bet, most moms would agree. In the workplace, you have time for yourself. You can drink coffee or go the bathroom with few interruptions. At home, it's a different ball game. Someone else is entirely dependent on you and at this point in time needs you all the time. And at work, you get attaboys and raises. No one is going to pat you on the back for changing the 5th dirty diaper of the day. So after the kid(s) go to bed, take time for yourself. Whether it be a "date" at home with the hubby, reading a good book, or whatever your interest may be, take time to recharge.
5. Plan the Day
Have a general idea the night before of how you'd like the next day to go. I am VERY protective of TJ's morning nap. I'm more lenient about pushing back his afternoon nap if we're out running errands, on a play date, etc. I do a little cleaning every day so I'm not overwhelmed by having to get a whole bunch done in one day. I throw a load of laundry in the washer in the morning and wash dirty diapers every night. Knowing what I'd like to accomplish and how I'd like the day to go down gives it some order and helps things run smoothly.
6. Keep the Diaper Bag Packed
This makes it so much easier to get out the door. Anyone who has ever attempted to go anywhere with a child quickly learns that it takes twice as long to get out the door than you expect. Just when you're trying to get to the car, the baby could spill food/drink on you, spit up on you, make it necessary to change his diaper immediately, lose a shoe, fight you getting a coat on... there are endless possibilities. This is one less thing you need to do to get out the door. Ours is always packed with multiple diapers and wipes, a nursing shawl, a place-mat and spoon for dining out, a burp cloth, antibacterial wipes, and a wet bag for dirty diapers.
7. Have a Sense of Humor
Smile and Laugh! This is a definite! We have had our share of "oops" moments in our short time as parents. Just this past weekend, we went to a childrens museum with my parents. When we got the museum, we realized that neither Jesse or I had put the stroller in the car! Rather than turn around, we all took turns carrying TJ around the museum. He's a big boy and we all probably have stronger arms this week because of it! Did we have fun? Yes. Will we remember the stroller next time? Yes. Yes.
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