Tonight was actually a tough night. Trent had his last nursing session. It has been a mutual weaning. Both of us were ready and because of that it has been a smooth transition. The last feeding to go was the one right before bedtime. It felt like a breakup tonight. It has been a crazy year with him being born, me opting to stay home, Jesse working two jobs and then quitting the second job, me starting and stopping nursing school, but through it all, Trent and I continued to breastfeed. It wasn't always easy. I had two bouts with mastitis and hated having to pump in the car while I was at school. However, it was such a bonding time for the two of us. As I left his room tonight after putting him to bed, I couldn't help but tear up. I felt like it was the first of many things where he has outgrown the need for me to help him. People tell you that kids grow up so fast, but you don't fully understand the statement until you're a parent. Trent's first birthday is a week from tomorrow. He's almost 20 pounds heavier than when we brought him home. He's walking and starting to talk. He understands when you talk to him. He can point to objects when you ask him where they are. He can give high-fives and sign that he's done with his meal. He purposely gets the dogs riled up to play. He can kick and throw a ball. His development in one short year amazes me.
And since there have been a few posts without any pics, below are some pictures taken while we were playing on the porch on a rainy day.

Hanging Out

Discovering coasters
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