Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Exercising While Pregnant

Exercise has been important to me for years. Prior to Trent's arrival, I spent my days training for triathlons and half marathons. While I haven't done any of these events since he came along, I still maintain a regular workout routine.

Years ago, doctors told pregnant women to basically take it easy for 9 months. This is no longer the advice given. Now, doctors agree that maintaining an exercise program while pregnant is good for both Mom and baby. I'm not saying to go out and tackle the Ironman right now. It's about maintaining the level of fitness you had pre-pregnancy and listening to your body. When I was pregnant with Trent, I did body pump right up until a few weeks before he was born. The only reason I stopped early was all the funny looks I received like he was about to drop on the floor at any moment! I ran until it became uncomfortable, which was right around 5 months. Then I switched to walking. The big thing for cardio is not to get out of breath or overheated so in my case, I have to run slower than I do when I'm not pregnant. Run at a pace where you could have a conversation with someone. I also do a lot of treadmill running indoors since I live in the deep south and it gets HOT in the summer. I'm hoping that I'll be able to continue the same habits with my current pregnancy. So far so good.

Some of the perks given for maintaining an exercise program while pregnant:
1. Feel Better: it relieves some of the aches and pains of pregnancy and helps you sleep better
2. Prepare your body for childbirth: endurance and stronger muscles could lead to an easier delivery
3. Get your body back sooner post delivery: Sure, your belly will grow and grow but you can still maintain toned arms and legs throughout the pregnancy and having an established routine will help jump-start the weight loss post pregnancy.

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