Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lesson in Futility and a Surgery Date

This week, I did a really thorough house cleaning. Not just 'going through the motions' cleaning, but really made sure everything got cleaned. I even started tackling/organizing the guest room, which will shortly be turning into Trent's room. But the house never stays that way, not even for a second. It's like the dogs and Trent see it as a personal challenge. I wash the windows and Trent determines that five minutes after I wash them is the optimal time to bang on them. I wash the floors and the dogs feel that's the optimal time to run their muddy feet on them or a sippy cup drips milk across the floor... Most of the time, it doesn't bother me and other days I have to remind myself that I'm cleaning for cleanliness and not for spotlessness because spotlessness will probably never happen. It's a regular lesson in futility, but I wouldn't change a thing!

Sue's surgery date has been set. She is having surgery on August 4th to remove the tumor in her colon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I accessed your link through Knut and Gretchen's site. Please pass along a greeting to Sue and Dale and tell them we are praying for them as well. Grant and Sharon Torgerson, Fergus Falls