Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day!

My day was beautiful! Jesse made Norwegian pancakes for breakfast. Yum! My inlaws took the boys after breakfast so Jesse and I could go mountain biking together. It has been so long since we have been able to get out on the trails together. They've actually added new trails since the last time we went. We rode about 5 miles through the woods and around the lake. The new trail we went on is awesome. It is well maintained and scenic. It's also friendly enough that there are no spots on it where I feel inclined to get off my bike and walk it over hazardous conditions. It was the perfect morning ride. Afterwards, my father in law made lunch for everyone. He made hamburgers, which became my favorite food while I was pregnant with Trent and never changed back after he was born. Outdoor adventures, good food, and great company make me a happy mama!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Everything is Growing!

First of all, bear with me this week. My computer decided that it had lived long enough. So, until I get a replacement set up, my pictures and posts will be iphone quality. That being said...

So excited to see my garden looking so good so far. We've had some crazy weather here lately, including a lot of rain. (Side note, thank you to everyone who checked in on us after the tornadoes came through. We are safe and incredibly blessed.) In the front yard, we have tomatoes, eggplants, beans, and peppers. In the backyard, we have all the herbs (due to the proximity to the kitchen), more beans, and my lime tree.

Container Garden

And look who else is growing!

5 months

Friday, April 29, 2011

Beautiful Produce

I love my new CSA. Last year, I couldn't get into my first choice CSA because it was full. This year, they emailed me at the beginning of the season to let me know they had an opening. I love, love, love the new one! The produce is fresh and beautiful, and the family that runs it is easy to work with and well organized. But, the BEST part is that they plant such a variety! This time of year 'greens' are in season. I like most greens, but no one in our family is a huge fan of turnip greens or collard greens. This week we received bok choy, strawberries, onions, salad mix, and radishes. The strawberries are delicious and the onions are so sweet. It's so much fun to open the box each week and see what's inside!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Florida Trip

Last week we visited my grandparents in south Florida. We had a such a good time. It was a refreshing break. My grandparents do an amazing job keeping up with the kiddos too. I hope I'm that energetic when I'm 80-plus!

We experienced a lot of firsts. It was Sean's first ride in the car that was longer than 4 hours. It was the boys first time sharing a room. It was Sean's first time meeting his great grandparents. It was Trent's first time at Nanny and Poppy's house where he could walk...

The trip down went really smoothly. The car rides are always the toughest part. Trent did much better than he has done in the past. Overall, the boys did surprisingly well sharing a room. Sean still gets up at random intervals each night, so I was anticipating him waking his brother up each time, but Trent always went right back to sleep.

Trent had fun hanging out on Poppy's fishing dock and riding toys in the driveway. While we were in Florida, we went to the local park a couple of times, the zoo, and the beach. Trent had a ball at all of them. Sean had his own little tent to snooze in while we were at the beach.

Feeding Deer at the Zoo

Macaw, Macaw!

Daddy provides a better view

Hanging Out

Bonding with Poppy

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Born to Run

I have been intrigued by the whole barefoot running craze. Vibram Five Fingers have moved from a group of avid runners wearing toe shoes to a full blown fad. The other day when I tried them on, school children were buying a few pairs. I wanted to know more about why people were choosing to run barefoot. Enter this book by Christopher McDougall:

I really enjoyed reading the book. As an avid runner, it was both inspirational and informative. Some interesting quotes from the book:

"Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes. It knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or a gazelle - when the sun comes up, you'd better be running."

"Shoes block pain, not impact! Pain teaches us to run comfortable! From the moment you start going barefoot, you will change the way you run."

"When your feet aren't artificially protected, you're forced to vary your pace and watch your speed: the instant you get recklessly fast and sloppy, the pain shooting up your shins will slow you down."

On Thursday, I gave it a try. I ran 3 miles with "barefoot" shoes. I did not purchase the Vibram 5 fingers. When I tried them on, I had a ridiculous time attempting to get each toe in the appropriate toe spot. I could not commit to spending half the day getting shoes on my feet. Plus, aesthetically, they fall somewhere in between froglike and Big Foot. So I bought a pair of Merrell's that have a thin bottom. They protect your feet from objects on the road but with the thin bottom and large toe box, they still encourage proper running form.

The shoes did force me to focus on my form. In traditional, cushioned running shoes, you end up pounding your heels because of all the extra padding. When running barefoot, it causes you to shorten your stride and land in the middle of your foot. I really enjoyed the run and they are really comfortable. You feel like you could run forever. They also make great every day shoes. I was told to proceed slowly though as your body has to adapt to the new form. The barefoot running wakes muscles you didn't use as much when running with traditional shoes. My calves have been tight for two days!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Growing Boys

Big Bro "helping" Lil Bro

Last Tuesday, the boys had their 2 year and 4 month doctor appointments. It was my first time taking both boys to the doctor by myself, but they did great. They're both on track developmentally and physically. Trent continues to be consistent in his height/weight ranges. He is 37 inches tall (97th percentile) and 32.5 lbs (95 percentile). Sean is 26.5 inches tall (95th percentile) and 15 lbs 14.5 oz (75th percentile). The doctor gave Sean the green light to start on solid foods so we'll be starting that sometime in the near future. Overall, good checkups for both!

Saturday, April 9, 2011


I'm a big Laura Story fan. In turn, so are my boys. It's kind of comical because they can be upset and as soon as I start playing Laura Story music or singing Laura Story songs, they calm down. She has a beautiful voice and her songs have great lyrics. She has a new album coming out on the 12th. You can download the new album here.
Her new single is called Blessings.

Friday, April 8, 2011


Tonight I made Trent some really comfortable flannel pajama pants. They're worn in, super soft, perfect kind of pajama pants. How do I know? Well, they used to be mine. I wore these pajama pants religiously in college. They were actually my college roommate's, but I eventually inherited them. Anyway, along the way, they got a big hole in them. A patch would look funny so they sat in my closet in a bag of clothes intended to throw away or be given to goodwill. Alas, the bag never made it to either destination. So during naptime today, I decided to go through the bag. I realized there were so many items in the bag that could be repurposed for the boys to wear. So now, Trent has a a great pair of pajama pants!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Diversified Skill Set

Ahh, the life...

Today's morning went a little like this:

Architect - constructed castles, made of sand, with a surrounding moat
Ecologist - collected and identified trees, sticks, pine straw, pine cones, rocks, etc.
Teacher - explained the letter A, identified colors and played games to learn names of different kinds of fruit
Athlete - Ran 2 miles pushing 75lbs in front of me
Baker/short order cook - baked rolls for tonight, made lunch
Housekeeper - 'nuff said
Physical Therapist - Encouraged tummy time and dancing
Mediator - kept numero 1 from inadvertently harming numero 2

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spice Rack

So excited about my new spice rack! Jesse made me a spice rack that hangs on the wall, right next to the stove. I love convenience and extra counter space. Perfect!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Celebrating Two with Thomas

Our Thomas filled Day

On Saturday, we spent the morning with Thomas the Train. Trent is a big fan and really enjoyed all the Thomas related activities. There was plenty to do! Some highlights... (clockwise on the picture) We played with Thomas the Train trainsets, played in the sand and bubbles, got a Percy tattoo, took our picture with the famous engine, fed some goats, and rode on Thomas!

After naptime, we celebrated his birthday meal with all the grandparents and great-grandma Janet. We had a cheese and cracker platter, followed by Shepards Pie for dinner, and chocolate chip cookie dough cupcakes for dessert.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes - Yumm!!

The cupcakes were delicious. It was a new recipe, but they really turned out well. I only let Trent have one, but he definitely let me know he wanted more!

Blowing Out the Candles!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Making on Monday

I try to sew a little bit each week because I've put myself on a fabric buying freeze until I knock out some of the projects that I need to get done. I love to knock projects out all at once and move onto the next one. However, with two little ones, I don't have the time to finish an entire outfit in one sitting. So, I cut out the pattern one day, make the lining another day, etc. until the project is completed. Specifically, Trent is in need of pajama pants and shorts for the summer. So today, I finished up three pairs of pants/shorts. They had made it to the 'need elastic in the waistband' stage and had been sitting on my sewing desk. The green and blue jungle themed pants are pajamas. The Thomas the Train pants are for Trent's birthday party this coming weekend. The green and white plaid shorts are bermuda shorts for the summer.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Super Fast!

Full speed ahead. That's the only speed TJ knows. We have a sloped driveway. He has a bike and a scooter. He gets a running start, aims straight, and off he goes!

And speaking of fast, can you believe this little guy is already four months old?! He has turned into such a laid back, happy baby. He is ALWAYS smiling - such a joy to be around!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Team Rump 'N Roll

Rump 'N Roll

I ran a 5K this morning. It was so much fun! It was the first race that I have done in a couple of years. We put together a team called Rump 'N Roll. The race was called the Rumpshaker. It raised money for colon cancer research. There were eight of us on the team and everyone did great! It was a fun atmosphere. Jesse brought the boys along to cheer. There were a ton of people running so it was hard to meet up with everyone, but we did manage to get a picture with 5 of the 8 team members.

Friday, March 25, 2011

2 Years Old!

Trent turned 2 on Tuesday. To celebrate his actual birthday, we went out for Mexican and ice cream. We're having a 'Thomas the Train' party for him in about a week. Thomas is taking over a local railroad museum, so we'll be making a trip to see Thomas and Sir Topham Hatt. Afterward we'll have a little party at our house. Trent loves Thomas the Train. He doesn't watch much TV, but when he does, his first request is usually for 'Mas! I made these cupcake toppers yesterday:

Cupcake Toppers

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Nurture vs Nature

When raising kids, I often wonder what is a result of parental behavior and what happens purely just because. When Trent was about Sean's age, he slept at 9, 1, and 4. Eventually, he gave up the 4pm nap and then later he gave up the 9am nap. He still takes a 1pm nap. Most moms I know that have their kids on a nap schedule, keep one fairly similar to Trent's original schedule.

Then, we had Sean. For the first few months of Sean's life, he wasn't really into sleeping. It eventually came. When the exhaustion was really sinking in, I started putting both boys down at the same time. I figured we'd start a bedtime routine, even if Sean didn't believe in going to bed. It worked. Soon after, Sean started sleeping through the night. He and Trent both sleep from 7pm until about 6am every night. (Sean gets up at 4 to eat and goes right back to sleep.) I don't know if he just embraced the schedule we started setting for him or if at that same time he was ready to start sleeping through the night. Then, there was naptime. Trent would consistently nap and Sean would inevitably catnap throughout the day. Well, between 1 and 4, I was always "resting" with Sean because I didn't want him to wake his brother. (Our house isn't that big and Sean has a set of lungs that could wake the neighbors.) Eventually, Sean started taking his nap at the same time as his brother. So he may or may not go down for an hour in the morning, but he usually sleeps from 1-4 in the afternoon. So again, is it nature that he established his own sleep pattern or nurture that him sleeping at the same time as Trent was the behavior I was encouraging? Regardless, I try my best as a mama but I don't take a lot of credit for their behavior. I just accept the fact that God has blessed me with two adorable little boys.

Places to Go

Baby Sean is rolling over!

The boys and I went for a run this morning. We ran for three miles around the neighborhood. I love our neighborhood. It's really pretty. The area is wooded and hilly and there's a creek that runs behind some of the homes. The people you meet are always friendly. Both boys really seem to enjoy the stroller most of the time. Plus, as I get faster, we are able to cover more distance in the same amount of time. Today we kept a 12 minute pace. The first two miles were at an 11 mile/min pace, but the climb up to our house is a rough one. On a treadmill, I've been doing about an 8.5 min/mile pace (if that gives you any indication as to the effects of what hills and pushing 50lbs of kiddos will do to your pace). We had fun though. Sean faces me so we smile at each other the whole time and Trent points out all our surroundings. When we got back to the house, I laid a blanket on the grass for Sean and I. Trent went in and got his toys. While Trent was drawing masterpieces on our driveway with sidewalk chalk, Sean rolled over from his back to his front. So fun to see! We were outside all morning. Sean was happy as could be to soak up the sun and Trent was all over the place. It really feels like spring is here!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Different Approach the Second Time

First, let me tell you about round 1: I ran on and (mostly) off during and after college. Then, in the fall of 2005, I decided I was going to do a triathlon. The first problem was I never had a swim lesson. I had no idea how to swim competitively. My idea of swimming back then could be defined as movement in water to avoid drowning. I did that well. But, that's not necessarily enough skill to compete in a race. I met some people at the YMCA and they taught me the correct form. My swim stroke and confidence in the water is so much better now, thanks to them. The next problem I encountered was I didn't own a bike. Easy enough, I went out and bought one. However, prior to 2005, I was probably 14 the last time I rode a bike. So, I started riding regularly after work. The running was the only thing I had semi been doing before I decided I was going to do a triathlon. I am competitive. Back then, I worked out before and after work. I would lift weights, swim, or run in the morning and bike, run or swim in the afternoon. Two-a-days were pretty common. I competed during the 2006 and 2007 seasons. I wanted to get better and better. I was decent. I never expected to win, but I was usually in the top part of my age bracket.

Fast forward four years and two babies later and we're starting round 2. During round 1, I discovered that running and biking are two of my favorite forms of exercise. I love how fast you can go on a road bike, but also enjoy being in the woods on a mountain bike. Same with running, I love to push myself on the pavement, but also love running the trails. My affection for swimming is more than it used to be, but I still wouldn't say, "I heart swimming." Some friends of mine convinced me to train for another race in June. With two little ones at home (one that is still breastfeeding), I obviously can't train to the same degree that I trained previously. Oddly enough, that has been really refreshing. I am enjoying each workout more this time because there aren't as many of them. I don't feel SO tied to the sport. Mountain biking is something Jesse and I love to do together. Unfortunately, there can be a good chance of getting hurt while doing it. I used to be afraid an injury would end a triathlon season. This time around, since I am racing for fun and nothing else, I am not worried about it. So I probably won't be winning any awards this summer, but it'll be great for shedding the baby weight, enjoying time with friends and exercising outdoors!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Reading More

Around the new year, I decided I wanted to read more in 2011. I made a long list of all the books I have been wanting to read and just haven't had the chance. So far, I'm averaging a few books per month. None of them have been terrible, some of them have been average and some I've really enjoyed.
My favorites so far:

Blue Like Jazz - really enjoyed this book. I read through the whole thing in a day. It's one of those books that you don't want to put down and yet you want to stop and think after each paragraph. It came out several years ago and has been on my "to read" list for a while and I finally got to it. It's a narrative of Donald Miller's spiritual journey with Christianity. It is told through a bunch of short stories.

The Help - this book was recommended (and borrowed from) a good friend of mine. It's set in Mississippi in the 60s, during the civil rights movement. The story is told from three different points of view. Living in the south, but not having been raised in the south, it is an interesting glimpse into a moment in time in American history.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Fun Friday


1. The boys and I watched five deer meander through the backyard.

2. We tackled "Big Nasty" in the jog stroller. It's a very hilly 5K loop (with one enormous hill, hence the name) that I normally run on the weekends without the kids. Definite accomplishment!

3. We cleaned out the garage this morning so on rainy days Trent can still play with his outdoor toys (and Jesse's workshop area is more organized)

4. Trent may be ready for potty training judging by the conversation we had this morning:
TJ: (Squatting/Grunting)
Me: Are you making Stinkies?
TJ: (Smiles and runs to the corner to finish his business)
Me: (After he's done) Did you make stinkies?
TJ: Yeah, I did!
Me: Where are stinkies supposed to go?
TJ: Bah! (His word for potty)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Family Work Day

This weekend we tackled the enormous job of clearing the leaves out of our yard. We have woods on three sides of our house so we have a ridiculous number of leaves fall in our yard. So, several times a year, we have to clear the yard of leaves. (Fortunately, we don't have to bag them, we just give them back to the woods...)

Jesse Blowing Leaves

Some of us worked harder than others:

Snoozing outdoors

Running this way...

And that way...

Rock Star Baby

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Monday, February 21, 2011

Just for fun


I didn't keep them for myself, so someone will be receiving them in the mail soon. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Days Developing Patterns

One of the hardest things for me right after a baby is born is the chaos. I'm very structured by nature and to have the baby eat and sleep at random intervals all day long drives me a little crazy. So I love when patterns start developing. Sean is finally stretching out his feedings. We generally start his first night feeding around 7pm. He normally falls asleep by 8. He's made it to 4am a few times (which I consider sleeping through the night), but even if he wakes up in the middle of the night, it's normally for one feeding around 11 or 12. During the day, he's consistently taking a nap in the morning from about 8-10. This works out well for us. Trent takes his afternoon nap at one so this gives us a little more time to do things in the morning. Sean's afternoon nap is still pretty inconsistent, but having a little predictability is making me a happy girl!

What a doll!


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kicking it Up A Notch

I've been toying with the idea of doing a few sprint triathlons again this summer. I did them regularly for a few years, but I haven't done one since 2007. In 2008, I was pregnant with Trent. In 2009, I had just had Trent. In 2010, I was pregnant with Sean. Now, I have several months to get back in shape before the season starts and I have no plans of being pregnant in 2011. So we'll see. If nothing else, it's motivation to work out and lose the last bit of baby weight. This week was my first week of tri training. I made it to body pump twice (weight training), ran and biked. I haven't squeezed in swimming yet, but hopefully that'll happen tomorrow. It's always the hardest for me because of the three areas (run/bike/swim), I enjoy it the least. So it takes more motivation than biking and running, which I really love doing. My hamstrings have been crying uncle but once they get over the shock of exercising them regularly, it will improve.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Crazy Weather

I saw this on facebook recently. There's so much truth in it! We've been in the south for 12 years now and this is by the far the most snowfall we've seen in one season. On Thursday, we woke up to two inches of snow and the schools didn't even close. We barely broke 30 degrees. Today, it is 61! Southern winters are crazy. No wonder ever one struggles with colds - you never know what the temperature is going to be when you walk outside. But spring is coming! Next month, we'll start planting veggies again!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Sean Milestones

Last week Sean had his two month doctor visit. He did really well through the whole thing. The doctor is pleased with his development thus far. Here are his two month stats:
Weight: 12lbs, 13oz
Height: 23 inches
Head size: 15 inches

And last night, he slept for seven hours straight! Hopeful that the sleeping trend continues!

TJ's Word of the Week


Monday, January 24, 2011

Back in the Gym

Today was my first official day back in the gym. I was so glad to be back! I've been running outside for several weeks now, but I had not yet made it to the gym. It's so easy to make excuses with a newborn as to why I can't go (lack of sleep being the major one, followed closely by two under two is tiring).

Maintaining good health is beneficial to both me and my family. Plus, it's really nice being able to focus on the workout and get some solo time. The best time frame for me to go during the day is early morning. There's nowhere else I have to be at that time of day so stuff doesn't get in the way. I find when I depend on my workouts being at other times during the day, so many things can pop up and get in the way of good intentions. The other reason is that we're still minimizing how much time Sean spends in nursery. This leaves me to either find someone to watch the boys for a little bit during the day (not always easy) or go during the times when Jesse is home at night. I've never been good at working out after a long day. Hence, the early morning workout slot.

So, this morning I ran 5 miles on the treadmill. Tomorrow is body pump. Hopefully, I'll be able to reestablish the habit/routine of early morning workouts pretty quick.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Mercy Day

Mercy: a blessing that is an act of divine favor


So after our rough week, Thursday was our first day of normal. Jesse went back to work and everyone was healthy. Thank goodness God only gives you as much as you can handle. The stress, lack of sleep, being sick, and playing nurse for several days was really starting to wear on me. But on Thursday, Sean took a 2.5 hour nap in the morning and a 3 hour nap (that perfectly coincided with Trent's nap) in the afternoon. He also ate every 3-4 hours. This was nothing short of a miracle. Every other day before Thursday (and every day since then), Sean may take 2-3 20 minute naps throughout the day. He has major gas issues and spends a large portion of the day fussing. He eats every 2 hours. Add a healthy toddler to the mix who still wants his mom's full attention (and is full of energy from being cooped up for a week!) and my days would not usually be described as calm.peaceful.quiet.easy. With Sean's long naps, I was able to give Trent long periods of undivided attention and actually even get "me" time (which was spent sanitizing the house of the nasty stomach bug) while they were simultaneously sleeping for three hours in the afternoon. It was such a blessing to have a little break before we got back into the real normal on Friday. Mercy day, really.

But, it gets better! - My mother in law had another scan to see how the tumors in her body are responding to the chemotherapy. All the tumors have shrunk and there are no signs of new metastasis! This is such great news! She'll have chemo for a few more months and then another scan. Hopefully, the tumors will continue to shrink and the doctors will eventually be able to go in and remove the last of it!

And, of course, some cute pics of the kids on our relaxing day.

Eight weeks old!

"My Bumbo?!"

Thursday, January 20, 2011

What a Week!

Last Wednesday, Trent came down with croup. We tried all the home remedies for it, but they didn't seem to be working. On Thursday night, Jesse took Trent into the after hours clinic because he was having trouble breathing. He received a steroid shot and breathing treatments and was in the hospital for two days. It was chaotic as Sean nurses every two hours and I didn't have a stockpile of milk on hand. Jesse spent two days in the hospital with Trent and I drove back and forth between home and the hospital. We didn't want to bring Sean to the hospital out of fear that he'd get sick. On Saturday, Trent came home. His cough was a lot more productive and we thought things were getting better. Then the stomach bug kicked in. He started throwing up. By Tuesday, Jesse had caught the bug. By Wednesday, I had it too. Thankfully, we're all feeling better today. And so far, knock on wood/fingers crossed, the baby has managed to avoid both the croup and the stomach bug. I have been cleaning like crazy trying to make sure the house is germ free. I would love to go a long while before having another week like this past one!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Atlanta Aquarium

For my birthday, we took a day trip to the Atlanta aquarium. It was a lot of fun! It's a huge aquarium with a massive variety of fish. Trent was so excited the whole time we were there. His favorite was a floor to ceiling tank with tropical fish in it. He's a 'Finding Nemo' (or as he says, "Na-mo") fan. The tropical tank contained Nemo, Dory, and all their friends, plus a bunch more! We took pictures of Sean too, but he spent the majority of the time in a moby wrap or the stroller. We'll just have to go back for another visit so he can experience it too. ;)

Big Shoes to Fill

Yes, we took our Christmas tree down - I'm just a little behind posting some of our pictures...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

National Champions!

War Eagle Baby!

Jesse and I have really enjoyed watching our alma mater do so well this year! It was so much fun to see them win the national championship. Auburn really is a special place. It's a large college, but it really has a family feel. Both of us cherish the time we spent there.

Traditionally, TJ wears a game day shirt on game day, but the game was late enough that he was already in bed. Luckily, little Sean isn't on a schedule yet so he carried on the tradition.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Beautiful birthday surprise from my sister

Last Friday was my birthday. We went to Atlanta for the day (more on that later), but when we returned home, I had these beautiful flowers waiting for me! Sunflowers have been my favorite for a long time. They're bold, unique, bright, cheerful - love them! Such a thoughtful gift from my sister and her hubby.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Funny Facebook Post

I saw this on facebook and thought it was hilarious. Enjoy!

11 Step Program for Those Thinking of Having Kids

Lesson 1

1. Go to the grocery store.

2. Arrange to have your salary paid directly to their head office.

3. Go home.

4. Pick up the paper.

5. Read it for the last time.

Lesson 2

Before you finally go ahead and have children, find a couple who already are parents and berate them about their...

1. Methods of discipline.

2. Lack of patience.

3. Appallingly low tolerance levels.

4. Allowing their children to run wild.

5. Suggest ways in which they might improve their child's breastfeeding, sleep habits, toilet training, table manners, and overall behavior.

Enjoy it because it will be the last time in your life you will have all the answers.

Lesson 3

A really good way to discover how the nights might feel...

1. Get home from work and immediately begin walking around the living room from 5PM to 10PM carrying a wet bag weighing approximately 8-12 pounds, with a radio turned to static (or some other obnoxious sound) playing loudly. (Eat cold food with one hand for dinner)

2. At 10PM, put the bag gently down, set the alarm for midnight, and go to sleep.

3. Get up at 12 and walk around the living room again, with the bag, until 1AM.

4. Set the alarm for 3AM.

5. As you can't get back to sleep, get up at 2AM and make a drink and watch an infomercial.

6. Go to bed at 2:45AM.

7. Get up at 3AM when the alarm goes off.

8. Sing songs quietly in the dark until 4AM.

9. Get up. Make breakfast. Get ready for work and go to work (work hard and be productive)

Repeat steps 1-9 each night. Keep this up for 3-5 years. Look cheerful and together.

Lesson 4

Can you stand the mess children make? T o find out...

1. Smear peanut butter onto the sofa and jam onto the curtains.

2. Hide a piece of raw chicken behind the stereo and leave it there all summer.

3. Stick your fingers in the flower bed.

4. Then rub them on the clean walls.

5. Take your favorite book, photo album, etc. Wreck it.

6. Spill milk on your new pillows. Cover the stains with crayons. How does that look?

Lesson 5

Dressing small children is not as easy as it seems.

1. Buy an octopus and a small bag made out of loose mesh.

2. Attempt to put the octopus into the bag so that none of the arms hang out.

Time allowed for this - all morning.

Lesson 6

Forget the BMW and buy a mini-van. And don't think that you can leave it out in the driveway spotless and shining. Family cars don't look like that.

1. Buy a chocolate ice cream cone and put it in the glove compartment.

Leave it there.

2. Get a dime. Stick it in the CD player.

3. Take a family size package of chocolate cookies. Mash them into the back seat. Sprinkle cheerios all over the floor, then smash them with your foot.

4. Run a garden rake along both sides of the car.

Lesson 7

Go to the local grocery store. Take with you the closest thing you can find to a pre-school child. (A full-grown goat is an excellent choice). If you intend to have more than one child, then definitely take more than one goat. Buy your week's groceries without letting the goats out of your sight. Pay for everything the goat eats or destroys. Until you can easily accomplish this, do not even contemplate having children.

Lesson 8

1. Hollow out a melon.

2. Make a small hole in the side.

3. Suspend it from the ceiling and swing it from side to side.

4. Now get a bowl of soggy Cheerios and attempt to spoon them into the swaying melon by pretending to be an airplane.

5. Continue until half the Cheerios are gone.

6. Tip half into your lap. The other half, just throw up in the air.

You are now ready to feed a nine- month-old baby.

Lesson 9

Learn the names of every character from Sesame Street , Barney, Disney, the Teletubbies, and Pokemon. Watch nothing else on TV but PBS, the Disney channel or Noggin for at least five years. (I know, you're thinking What's 'Noggin'?) Exactly the point.

Lesson 10

Make a recording of Fran Drescher saying 'mommy' repeatedly. (Important: no more than a four second delay between each 'mommy'; occasional crescendo to the level of a supersonic jet is required). Play this tape in your car everywhere you go for the next four years. You are now ready to take a long trip with a toddler.

Lesson 11

Start talking to an adult of your choice. Have someone else continually tug on your skirt hem, shirt- sleeve, or elbow while playing the 'mommy' tape made from Lesson 10 above. You are now ready to have a conversation with an adult while there is a child in the room.

This is all very tongue in cheek; anyone who is parent will say 'it's all worth it!' Share it with your friends, both those who do and don't have kids. I guarantee they'll get a chuckle out of it. Remember, a sense of humor is one of the most important things you'll need when you become a parent!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Running With a Jog Stroller

Bob Revolution Duallie - Mesa Orange -- Orange

I have a BOB Revolution Duallie stroller. I had a BOB Revolution Single stroller when I had just Trent. I love it. I highly recommend it. It handles great whether you're in a department store or running in the park. It has accessories so that I can have Trent sitting in it on one side and the car seat clicked in on the other side for Sean.

Running with kids in a jog stroller can be comical though. It can take just as long to get the stroller out of the car and the kids situated as the actual run itself. Loop routes are the easiest because you're never really far from the car (should the run go south), but they can get pretty monotonous for all involved because you're running in circles. However, running longer routes can have their own potential disasters. At any moment, one or both kids could:
- start screaming or crying
- be in need of a sippy cup, snack, diaper change, etc.
- disrobe (something about stroller rides makes children want to lose their shoes)
- throw items (such as that sippy cup, snack, shoe) OUT of the stroller
- talk incessantly (so much for that tempo run)
- kick their feet (causing that smooth riding stroller to bounce along the way)

Regardless - I try to embrace the run, no matter how it ends up. The time isn't wasted if I'm exercising and spending time with my kids. It's a win-win.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Why I Run

I just recently received the go ahead to start running again post pregnancy. I'm excited. I've already been planning the races I want to do this winter. I have my training schedule saved on my computer and have been diligent to get my miles in. So far, I've ran in the dark, in the rain, with a screaming baby, in beautiful weather, with happy (or sleeping) kids... but nonetheless, I'm running!

Here's why:
1. The Challenge
Running always gives you a chance to push yourself. You can always increase distance, improve your speed, change your terrain, etc. Pushing kiddos in a double jog stroller is a challenge in itself. The last quarter mile up to my house is an elevation change of 109 feet. I feel like I've conquered Everest by the time I push a heavy stroller with 50 pounds worth of kid in it! Believe me, there's a definite sense of accomplishment when we arrive on top!

2. "Me Time"
With two kids under two, and two affectionate little dogs that still believe they're our children, someone or something is always demanding my attention. Running with the kids is an activity we enjoy doing together and yet gives me a little space. Plus, an added bonus of setting an example of living a healthy lifestyle.

3. Stress Relief
There are few things better than running shoes, an IPod and a great running route. It provides plenty of opportunities to focus on the run, plan the day, pray... Very therapeutic!

4. Just Plain Fun
Running is an easy way to enjoy a beautiful day, spend some time with the hubby (run date!), or the kids (daily exercise), and an excuse to buy cute clothes. ;)

5. Great Workout
Have I mentioned I love cardio? Really though, it works your entire body! Great way to get back in prepregnancy shape.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Free Running App

For all my friends with Androids and IPhones - RunKeeper Pro is a free download through the end of January. Normally, this app costs $9.99 to download. I have used several running apps and this is my favorite so far. It consistently works the way it's supposed to work. You can manually input your runs or start the app when you take off and it'll track your course, pace, time, etc. for you. It tracks your activities so you can be encouraged to see all the runs you've done. I have been anxious to get back to running since I had Sean. However, the doctors always make you wait the six weeks postpartum before you can start exercising again. I had my visit today and got the okay to start working out again so my runkeeper will be seeing some activity soon!