Sunday, October 18, 2009

Cold, Blustery Days

This weekend we had a cold snap come through. Normal for this time of year is highs in the mid 70s. This weekend our highs were in the mid 40s, low 50s. The weekend was pretty low key. It feels great to have a change of seasons. We pulled out the fall/winter clothes and enjoyed some fresh air, hot cider and smores on the patio.

Bundled up and looking like a Norsk

Trent is really growing. He cut his third tooth this weekend and has a fourth on the way. He also constantly wants to stand. We took a family walk down to Jesse's grandmother's house this weekend and Trent was constantly pulling himself up on her coffee table. (Our coffee table has really sharp edges and is made of slate so we haven't even shown him that one!) At our house, we've noticed it in his room. He likes to stand while holding onto his crib or while holding onto you. It reminds me of that trust game you used to play in grade school. He stands up with complete faith that we will catch him. It is so fun watching him learn, figure things out, and become brave enough to attempt to see and touch things on his own.

Standing on Daddy

Tough Guy

Standing Up at his crib

Hey Ma, Look what I'm doing!

I think parenting must be easier for people with pets. It is instant entertainment for the baby. It is such a welcome break to watch him interact with them when I've heard the ABCs, 123s, and all the other silly songs that every baby toy seems to play over and over again. (Though teaching the dogs not to bark when baby is sleeping is a whole different story!)

Duke, TJ's favorite

Dozer and TJ

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