I saw a quote yesterday morning that said, "Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling." It is so true. I have always been an overachiever, but I am absolutely loving staying home with Trent. I feel so blessed to be able to see him smile, discover new things, develop, and enjoy his daily moments.
Everyone gives you advice when you first have a baby. I was thinking of the things that I have taken from my first eight months with TJ. Can you believe it has been that long already??
1. Never leave a room empty handed.
There's always something somewhere that belongs somewhere else, whether it be toys, laundry, dishes, etc.
2. The crockpot is your new best friend.
What a GREAT invention. I used it some when I was working, but the fact that I can put dinner together during a morning nap and have a delicious meal ready (with very little effort) when Jesse gets home - AMAZING.
3. Having a baby fall asleep on you never gets old.
4. Always have a camera on hand.
You never know when a funny face, a sweet smile, or tender moment may happen. Be prepared.
5. Breastfeeding is cyclical.
Hang in there. There will be times when it's smooth sailing and times when it's not.
6. Your partner will never be more apparent as a partner.
You tackle everything together whether it's grabbing a burp cloth, finishing up chores that the other one started, taking turns not sleeping, etc.
7. Cloth diapers ARE just as easy as disposables - give them a try!
8. You will never be able to keep a schedule, but you might get through your to-do list.
9. Baby Smiles make everything better.
10. Shopping for baby is way more fun than shopping for yourself. Baby consignment shops are the new favorite shopping destination (especially when the baby grows as fast as ours!)
We had our first family pics taken last week. Here are just a few of our favorites:

I love this post and I couldnt agree with you more. (#5 is right on)
Love the pictures. He is growing so fast.
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