Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving Travels

This past week was very busy for me and Trent. Last Saturday, we flew to Fargo to spend the weekend with my brother and his family. Trent and Lily got along really well. Lily is only four months older than Trent. Lily is adorable. The last time I saw her, she had been about five months old so it was sweet to see her walking and talking now. It was great getting the chance to spend some time with Eric and Alicia as well. The weather was surprisingly pleasant for late November. It was in the mid 40's while we were there. It was Trent's first plane travel and he held up great on all four flights.

Trent and Sampson

Lily and Trent playing

Eric and TJ

Kristen and Lily

Next up was Tennessee. We drove up to my parents to see my aunt, uncle and cousins from Colorado. We had not seen them in a few years so it was fun to catch up. My Colorado cousins are all guys in their late teens/early 20s, so I was definitely the shortest cousin this time around. They were great with Trent. We went to Dollywood with them and had fun riding roller coasters. Two of them accompanied my mother and my aunt on the zipline.

TJ checking out his cousin Derek

Ryan and Karl

Uncle Bob and Trent

On Thanksgiving Day, we spent the day with Jesse's parents. Over this past week, Trent started fully crawling and will walk when you hold his hands.

TJ and Grandpa Dale taking a stroll

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