Tuesday, December 1, 2009

New Perspective

Trent is seeing things from a new perspective these days. He has figured out crawling as a means of transportation. However, he is not content with this particular method. He attempts to stand up on everything or have you help him walk to where he wants to go. If he's left to crawl, he screams and grunts to let us know that he's frustrated.

He much prefers the view from a standing position. The dogs are a little intimidated by this because when Trent is standing, he is taller than the dogs. (Trent has attempted a few open field tackles on them in preparation for his future as a linebacker, fortunately for the dogs, they're faster!) Crawling and discovering everything all day long can be a little tiring as a mom, but it's also exciting! My role has switched to full time spotter, friend, encourager, rescuer so he can be an explorer. Pre-baby, Jesse and I did a lot of traveling. We love nature, but we also love getting a glimpse of how other people live. I always loved the anticipation of seeing a new place. As adults, we have preconceived ideas of how things should be done, but a baby has a blank slate. No wonder there's no much joy in Trent's voice was when he lets out a shrilly yell! EVERYTHING is exciting and new and each day is a new discovery!

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