Friday, January 7, 2011

Running With a Jog Stroller

Bob Revolution Duallie - Mesa Orange -- Orange

I have a BOB Revolution Duallie stroller. I had a BOB Revolution Single stroller when I had just Trent. I love it. I highly recommend it. It handles great whether you're in a department store or running in the park. It has accessories so that I can have Trent sitting in it on one side and the car seat clicked in on the other side for Sean.

Running with kids in a jog stroller can be comical though. It can take just as long to get the stroller out of the car and the kids situated as the actual run itself. Loop routes are the easiest because you're never really far from the car (should the run go south), but they can get pretty monotonous for all involved because you're running in circles. However, running longer routes can have their own potential disasters. At any moment, one or both kids could:
- start screaming or crying
- be in need of a sippy cup, snack, diaper change, etc.
- disrobe (something about stroller rides makes children want to lose their shoes)
- throw items (such as that sippy cup, snack, shoe) OUT of the stroller
- talk incessantly (so much for that tempo run)
- kick their feet (causing that smooth riding stroller to bounce along the way)

Regardless - I try to embrace the run, no matter how it ends up. The time isn't wasted if I'm exercising and spending time with my kids. It's a win-win.

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