Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Why I Run

I just recently received the go ahead to start running again post pregnancy. I'm excited. I've already been planning the races I want to do this winter. I have my training schedule saved on my computer and have been diligent to get my miles in. So far, I've ran in the dark, in the rain, with a screaming baby, in beautiful weather, with happy (or sleeping) kids... but nonetheless, I'm running!

Here's why:
1. The Challenge
Running always gives you a chance to push yourself. You can always increase distance, improve your speed, change your terrain, etc. Pushing kiddos in a double jog stroller is a challenge in itself. The last quarter mile up to my house is an elevation change of 109 feet. I feel like I've conquered Everest by the time I push a heavy stroller with 50 pounds worth of kid in it! Believe me, there's a definite sense of accomplishment when we arrive on top!

2. "Me Time"
With two kids under two, and two affectionate little dogs that still believe they're our children, someone or something is always demanding my attention. Running with the kids is an activity we enjoy doing together and yet gives me a little space. Plus, an added bonus of setting an example of living a healthy lifestyle.

3. Stress Relief
There are few things better than running shoes, an IPod and a great running route. It provides plenty of opportunities to focus on the run, plan the day, pray... Very therapeutic!

4. Just Plain Fun
Running is an easy way to enjoy a beautiful day, spend some time with the hubby (run date!), or the kids (daily exercise), and an excuse to buy cute clothes. ;)

5. Great Workout
Have I mentioned I love cardio? Really though, it works your entire body! Great way to get back in prepregnancy shape.

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