Monday, January 3, 2011

Free Running App

For all my friends with Androids and IPhones - RunKeeper Pro is a free download through the end of January. Normally, this app costs $9.99 to download. I have used several running apps and this is my favorite so far. It consistently works the way it's supposed to work. You can manually input your runs or start the app when you take off and it'll track your course, pace, time, etc. for you. It tracks your activities so you can be encouraged to see all the runs you've done. I have been anxious to get back to running since I had Sean. However, the doctors always make you wait the six weeks postpartum before you can start exercising again. I had my visit today and got the okay to start working out again so my runkeeper will be seeing some activity soon!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Thanks! Good info - just downloaded!