Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November - A Month of Thanksgiving

I love November. The leaves change. The weather is cooler and perfect for hot apple cider and nice warm soups. November also brings us Thanksgiving. What a great occasion to have a time a year that causes us to remember our blessings. It's so easy to get wrapped up in a poor economy or daily frustrations, but we, especially as Americans, have so many things to be thankful for.

So... today I'm thankful for my husband. He has been great about doing a lot of the housework so I can get off my feet. He's so good about playing with Trent and doing bathtime and bedtime. He's such an awesome dad. I normally rest during Trent's naptime, but being idle is hard for me. I see things that I want to get done and just do them. Unfortunately, my very pregnant body doesn't always agree with me being on the move all the time. I'm ready for this baby to come out, but I still have a few weeks left. I'm not sleeping well. Aside from the inevitable trips to the bathroom, my feet and legs have been cramping up on me. My lower back has been spasming. I have random contractions throughout the day. So, I'm attempting to take it easy so this baby makes it to full term. I'm incredibly thankful for a husband that's so supportive.

What are you thankful for today?

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