Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Different Approach the Second Time

First, let me tell you about round 1: I ran on and (mostly) off during and after college. Then, in the fall of 2005, I decided I was going to do a triathlon. The first problem was I never had a swim lesson. I had no idea how to swim competitively. My idea of swimming back then could be defined as movement in water to avoid drowning. I did that well. But, that's not necessarily enough skill to compete in a race. I met some people at the YMCA and they taught me the correct form. My swim stroke and confidence in the water is so much better now, thanks to them. The next problem I encountered was I didn't own a bike. Easy enough, I went out and bought one. However, prior to 2005, I was probably 14 the last time I rode a bike. So, I started riding regularly after work. The running was the only thing I had semi been doing before I decided I was going to do a triathlon. I am competitive. Back then, I worked out before and after work. I would lift weights, swim, or run in the morning and bike, run or swim in the afternoon. Two-a-days were pretty common. I competed during the 2006 and 2007 seasons. I wanted to get better and better. I was decent. I never expected to win, but I was usually in the top part of my age bracket.

Fast forward four years and two babies later and we're starting round 2. During round 1, I discovered that running and biking are two of my favorite forms of exercise. I love how fast you can go on a road bike, but also enjoy being in the woods on a mountain bike. Same with running, I love to push myself on the pavement, but also love running the trails. My affection for swimming is more than it used to be, but I still wouldn't say, "I heart swimming." Some friends of mine convinced me to train for another race in June. With two little ones at home (one that is still breastfeeding), I obviously can't train to the same degree that I trained previously. Oddly enough, that has been really refreshing. I am enjoying each workout more this time because there aren't as many of them. I don't feel SO tied to the sport. Mountain biking is something Jesse and I love to do together. Unfortunately, there can be a good chance of getting hurt while doing it. I used to be afraid an injury would end a triathlon season. This time around, since I am racing for fun and nothing else, I am not worried about it. So I probably won't be winning any awards this summer, but it'll be great for shedding the baby weight, enjoying time with friends and exercising outdoors!

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