Monday, July 19, 2010

15 month checkup

TJ had his 15 month checkup today. He is growing like a weed! He is 33 inches tall, weighs 27 pounds, and his head circumference is 19 inches. This puts him in the 90th percentile for height, the 70th percentile for weight and the 70th percentile for head circumference. Anyone that has been reading this blog a while knows that we have been consistently in these percentiles since day one. He is right on track developmentally and is very healthy. So thankful!


annalise + andrew said...

looks like Bjørn finally passed him up! :o) We just weighed him yesterday (at home - not official dr's scale) and he is 30.5lbs! :o) Haven't measured him for height lately, but he's tall and is just outgrowing his 18-24m pants in height!

kellercabin said...

Way to go, Bjorn! :).