Sunday, December 5, 2010

First Impressions of Life with Two Under Two

No promises on how accurate these are as they are simply first impressions and not anything wise and knowledgeable. I am still way too new in the "mama of two" club to dish out any advice!

1. I really cherish a hot shower and a cup of coffee in the morning. They are like little gifts from heaven.
2. God has given us an amazing ability to love others. I fell in love with Sean instantly, but I adore Trent just as much. My cup overflows for both of them.
3. Multitasking takes on a whole new level. Nursing a baby while putting on someone else's shoes or reading a book is the new normal.
4. I have much more patience with sleepless nights and breastfeeding the second time around.
5. Diapers, Diapers, Diapers - I am thankful that newborn diapers are nowhere near the mess of the 20 month diapers.
6. I am blessed that my Mom is willing to stay with us for a week. Her help with Trent, cooking and cleaning is a godsend.
7. Jesse is an incredible dad. I'm impressed daily at how natural he has become with bonding with the boys, swaddling, changing diapers, etc.
8. My boys LOVE to eat. They are born average sized and then the race is on to get to the 90th percentile.
9. Personalities show up instantly. Trent was an easy, laid back baby. He might grumble if he was hungry or tired, but he usually didn't ramp up to screaming very quickly. Sean is feisty. He is either totally content or screaming his head off. He can go from calm to full out, high pitched scream in about 2 seconds flat. But, as soon as he's fed or his diaper is changed, he's completely content again.
10. Sibling Rivalry starts immediately. If I'm feeding Sean, Trent needs to be thisclose to my lap and having a book read to him. If I'm about to give Trent my full attention, there's a good chance that Sean will pick that as the opportune time to start yelling.

I wouldn't change a thing. I am loving life and feel so privileged to be mom to two handsome little boys. Blessed, blessed, blessed!

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