Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mama Said There'd Be Days Like This...

Each day is different. Some days are really enjoyable. Other days are a little more difficult. Thursday and Friday went really well. We even ventured out to a park. My first trip bundling up two kids and getting them into the car went better than I expected. We live in tri-level house so this is an accomplishment! The smooth days make life with two little ones seem easier than I was anticipating. The tougher days make me appreciate the easy ones.

Trent is acting out a little more than normal, but that's not all that surprising since he is used to having all my attention. It takes longer for us all to get in the car, but we've still managed a few trips around town. Sean wants to eat every 1.5 hours so I feel like I am constantly stopping to nurse. If we're not stopping to nurse, we're stopping for a diaper change because inevitably, one of them needs one at any given point in time.

My biggest worry right now though is avoiding getting sick. Everyone around us seems to be fighting some kind of cold/flu/stomach bug, etc. I would love for us to make it through the winter illness free. The hardest part for me right now is surviving the 'newborn bubble' phase or you could call it the trapped in my own house phase. I'm hoping a little germ paranoia will keep us (especially Sean) healthy, but staying inside for days on end can be hard on the sanity. I like taking the boys outside. Fresh air does us all good. Plus, it'll be other people, not the outdoors, that gets them sick. But, this week the weather dropped to frigid (the wind chill was 11 degrees this morning - that's unusually cold for Alabama!) so now we're really stuck inside!

This morning went great. We were all cuddled up on the couch. Trent was playing games and Sean was sleeping on my lap. Trent laid his head in Sean's lap and at one point they held hands. It was really cute. I love when Trent is sweet to his brother. I can't wait to see their brotherly bond develop. Anyway... Sean decided he was done napping - for the entire day. He also decided he'd only be content to be held, otherwise he'd yell (he was having some gas issues). I love snuggling with my baby, but it's nice to have a few minutes to myself when Trent goes down for his nap. Trent sleeps for a couple of hours so usually I get at least a little break during that time because Sean will nod off for a while too. Today - not so much.

The dogs also are not adapting well to being demoted in rank once again. They have been misbehaving. I know they'll reluctantly get used to the new normal. They eventually accepted Trent into the pack so I'm sure they'll do the same with Sean. They just feel the need to let me know they're unimpressed for a while. Unfortunately, I don't enjoy cleaning up after them too!

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