Saturday, May 8, 2010

Savoring Quiet Time

Since Trent was born and I stayed home, I have made it a habit of having a little quiet time every morning while Trent takes his morning nap. Prior to being pregnant again, this usually consisted of a nice cup of Joe, curled up under a blanket, my Bible and a journal. As winter ended, a baby started developing inside me and now the mere thought of the smell of coffee makes me want to gag, my routine has changed to sitting outside with my morning protein concoction. I love these times and cherish each remaining morning as I realize that the days are numbered. Trent won't always take a morning nap and getting two babies to nap simultaneously (if even possible) is going to be a challenge. During my reading this morning, I came across the verse, "From birth I was cast upon you; from my mother's womb you have been my God." How comforting to know that God is with us, even at our most infant stage. I always worry that I am making the right decisions with my child(ren). I desire for them to grow up to be people of strong character. Every decision I make regarding discipline, values, health, etc. has an impact on them. As Chuck Swindoll said, "Each day of our lives we make deposits into the memory banks of our children." I'm so thankful that there's a God much greater than me, with a massive capacity of love and wisdom, who is also looking out for my kids!

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